A bunch of diffrent feelings

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Selena's pov
Today me and Justin were going to find out who wrote the card . The FRIST people were gonna ask are our moms . I really hope our moms had nothing to do with this.

I nocked on my moms door . She opend it happily , then she saw Justin . "Hey come in " she said , she gave me a hug and a kiss and shook Justin's hand . "So mom , me and Justin found out that we didn't separate by choice , someone wrote letters to separate us ." I said Justin was standing be my side while I sat on the couch .

She tensed up . Oh no I thought .
"And who was it " ? She asked
"Well that why we came , mom nobody else wanted up apart but you and pattie " I said , looking at her . "Selena I - I did it because I wants you to love happily and you were really young " she said giving up .
I looked at her and shook my head . I looked down and began to tear up . My own mom . I then heard Justin speak . "Was my mom -" he dident even have to finish before my mom answerd with a quick "yes".

I quickly got up and Justin followed me out the door . My mom tried to stop us and said sorry a million times . I was mad and sad I hated the fact that our own mom coused up pain . We got in the car and drove back to my house .
"Selena , what now " ? Justin asked . I looked up .
"Give it time Justin " I said and got out the car . He got out as well and followed me . I opened the door and as soon as I did Jelena ran to me . Then the babysitter Wales behind her . I have her the money and she left .

Right now we were in the movie room watching frozen . I loved seeing my Baby and Justin together. I truly still loved Justin . But I dident know I'd he felt the same . I was scared. To admit that to my self .

Justin's pOV
Oh gosh she so beautiful . I thought looking at her watch frozen with Jelena . She looked at me and we had eye contact . Man I missed her so much .

I didn't notice the movie finished . "Mommy am tired " I heard Jelena say . I carried her and Selena was following me . We put Jelena to sleep . We went back to Selena's room and say in the bed . We talked about random stuff like old times . We talked about our careers and about Jelena entering school , we tried to avoid the note problem thing . "So Justin do you wanna spend the night . She asked nervous . She looked down blushing . She was so cute it hurt . "I mean I'd rather stay here then with scooter and his wife " I answerd honestly .

Her eyes made me want to never stop looking at her. We were in bed facing each other . "Justin .. Never mind " she said . "Tell me Marie " I said . "Your an ass don't call me that " she said chuckling. " well tell me " I said. "Well drew I wanna know how you feel about me "? She asked . "First don't call me that , second I .... I still love you , my feelings never changed , I would always think of you , ever sense we broke up I never went one day with out thing at lease once or twice about you . He said smiling . "I love you " I said not know that came out . I put both of my hands to my mouth . He laughed and took my hand off my mouth . " I love you too Selena , do you wanna um be my -


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