Jelena .

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Justin pov
It's been a week and am not any better . Well I mean my fans are the best but then there's the selena problem and am dying inside . I've been to 3 different states . Ariana (grande ) is on tour with me . Apparently she broke up with her boyfriend too. We're both hurt . I miss Selena's kiss and her eyes and ever-
"Justin "!!! Ariana yelled giggling a little
"Umm yes what's up "?
"You okay "?
"Yeah "
She sat down next to me
"I know what your going through and it's okay we'll get over this together okay"?
I half smiled and nodded
She was really close to my face , I was just taken by the moment and kisses her .
Selena's pov
I've been working on my album and this baby is giving me a big problem .
I am happy I know that it was best for all of us to be away from each other . I miss him but I mean it's okay .
"Selena begin in 3 2 1 "
*sang the heart wants what it wants "*
2 hours later
I finally got home and I actually love in here in California .
It's peaceful . I've been home a lot just going out to finish my album .

7 months later (big jump )
Selena's pov
I was sitting on my couch watching tv when I felt a pain in my stomach it turns out my baby girl was coming a month earlier .
I yelled to my mom trying to get up !
"Mom"!!!! My baby
She ran downstairs and we headed to the hospital right away .
"Push" dr . Gutires said holding the "h"
I gave on last push . POP ! Whaaaa! "Finally " I managed to say breathing heavy . The doctor pit the baby on my chest , instantly I fell in love . She looked like Justin . Which are me cry . "Jelena Gomez " I said looking at her
Justin's POV
"Babe you alright "? Ariana said sitting next to me .
" nothing , I just feel like I need to be somewhere " I said looking down
" Omygosh Justin ! If you miss her to much why don't you just go back to her "! She said referring to selena
"It's been about a year and you still can't get over " she continued while getting up from the couch and walking outside . I put my head in my hands and remembered all I went through with selena . She gardener really been on tv much , she released her album 2 months ago but after that she's been " working " as she said in her Instagram .
I've felt so alone even if I had Ariana ,she's an amazing girl I just really don't feel the same . " Justin !" Scooter yelled making me jump . " what's up " I said sitting up on the couch . " I got the places your going and the dates " he said . Yes Am going on my 3rd tour .

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