A dream ?

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Selena pov
"Jelena hit her head badly , there's a chance we might loose her " the nurse said before turning around .
The dream it was true .
My baby was dying . I looked at Justin who was crying on the bench . I was frozen , everything hurt . Jelena my jelena was dying . It hurt so bad .

-two years later -

"Today , is a very special day , today was jelenas birthday . I want you to know baby that your still here me and your dad are still together making us jelena . We're still here for you baby , we know your in heaven . I love you " I said into the microphone . A tear slipped .
Jelena died two days after . Me and Justin are together and we're still Jelena . I miss her like crazy .

Justin's POV
It hurts , but she's in a better place . I miss her calling me dady . I miss it all . But me and selena are still Jelena . We're together and loving each other . Jelena was our small beautiful secret that from now on won't be a secret . Me and selena are on tour together . We're hoping to adopt soon . Hopfully we can , nobody will ever be Jelena . She was our angle .

(So here's the ending . I hope you guys enjoyed it , the sequel will be up very soon it's titled "adopted by Jelena " comment if your ready to read it . B&w sorry for the ending I didn't want it to happen but it represents the fact that together or apart our idols will always be Jelena to us , thanks and Ily all , can't wait to begain the sequal )

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