A movie ?

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Justin's POV

"So when I'm i flying out there " I ask scorer as I look down at the movie papers and information .

"So the movie will began recording a week after you get there so your leavening in 3days . So I guess a week after that" he says looking through the papers as well .

"How long will it take "?

"Well about 6 months or more and right after that you have to work on you album and hopefully go in a tour will you will go the the states you've never been too. So it will talk quiet a while maybe 2 or 3 years to finish all this . "

I'm shocked i have so much to do. What about Jelena when will I get to see her .

"When am I going to be able to see jelena "? I ask

"Well not until your done with everything , or j guess you can visit but it won't be long " he says

I sight . I'm scared to leave jelena .

Selena's pov

"Hey baby"! I yell as jelena walks to me .

"Hey mommy " she says back

Today I was hanging out with zedd . I honestly think he's a good person . He's nice and a very good looking guy . I miss Justin a lot but I know that we're not meant to be together . I mean jelena is the only thing that brings us together . I at lease get to see him .

"Jelena your going to meet a new person today " I say

"Why not Dady " ?

Ouch ,that hurt .

"You'll see him later " i say

We arrive to zedd house . It's a nice house the garden in the front stand out a lot . The nice wooden door opens .
He comes out in a Botton up shirt and some khakis .

I open my door and jump out of the car . He comes over and hugs me tightly .
"Hey selena "

"Hey zedd " I say in the same tone .

After we have a small talk out of the car we both jump in . To my surprise jelena begins talking .

"Who are you "? She says looking at zedd

"I'm your moms friend zedd . Nice to meet you " zedd says Waving

"Oh " is all Jelena says .

After walking around and being crowded by fans at the mall we began to drive zedd back home .

"Zedd your so funny "! Jelena yelled to zedd as he makes silly faces .

I laugh along .until I hear my phone vibrate in my bag . I couldn't reach it .

"Zedd mind answering for me " I say trying to keep my eyes in the road

"Sure " he says before being the phone to his ear .

Justin's POV
After discussing everything with scotter I decided to tell selena what was he opening and when we can see each other for jelena .

I grabbed my phone as I left the building me and scooter were in .

Ring one . Ring two . Ring three.

"Hello " a man voice answerd .

I looked at the phone confused but the contact name said "selena "

"Is this slenas phone " ? I ask

"Umm yeah she can't answer right now , what do you need " ? He ask .

I felt a little pinch in my stomach . I can't be jealous . But I mean what if selena was hocking up with some dude . Where is Jelena ?

"Oh well tell her that Justin , jelenas DAD needs to talk to her ass soon as possible ." I say hanging up right after that . Selena has to be kidding me .

Selena's pov

"Who was it "? I ask zedd as he sets the phone down .

He shifts uncomfortably says "Justin wants you to talk to him as soon as possible " he says looking out the window .

"Oh okay " I tried to make it less awkward but Jelena jumped in .

"Mommy lets stay at daddy's tonight plessssssseeeeee"! Jelena says clapping her hands .

I know zedd and I were just friends but we're both trying to get to know each other more .

"Well see " is all I can talk Jelena as we pull in to zedd drive way.

(Hey guys I'm sorry for not posting ,I've had a rough week ,and I dident have the chance to post . This is a bad chapter and it's really short but I hope you guys like this I'll try to post as soon as j can . ) ily

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