It felt like a family.

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Justin's pov
My eyes widen as I see Selena . Her makeup is all messed up her hair is puffy .
"Justin I need jelena , she's everything to me . I can't live with her . She's my everything . I'm a bad mother but please don't take her away from me , she's my everything . I said what I said because , before jelena and everyday I've had my fans . I wouldn't be anything with out them but jelena is a big part of my life she's my world . My mom came by and I- I slapped her , Justin I love you and - "
She begain to cry and hen she fell onto the floor . I grabbed her by the arm .

I could smell the alcohol she's been consuming . I hugged her tight.

Selena pov
After Justin left . I cried my eyes out . I couldn't even believe what I said . I cried and cried . I was about to leave the house , when my moms car parked in my drive way.
"Selena are you okay " ? She asks putting her hand on my shoulder .

"Dose it look like , I do t think so " I snap

"Can we talk "

"No we can't "
I began to walk

"Please Selena"


"Please selena " she begs putting both her hands on my shoulders

"Don't touch me " I yell

Then it happened I feel her fans touch my cheek . My hand went up and slapped her soft cheek.
She backed up and so did I . I made a big mistake .

I walk towards my car . Crying even harder. I drive no caring about anything. I park at a bar , people began to recognize me . I walked in and sat down . I asked for what ever they had . I saw the little glass cup being set down . I grabbed it and brighter to my mouth . I let the burning liquid go down my body . It felt nice . After a lot of drinking from the little glass , I begin to remember all the things me and Justin did before jelena . It reminded of how jelena was what me and Justin created . I begain to walk through the crowd to get to my car. On my way out I stumbled . Some people did take pictures but I kept walking . I got to my car and even if I saw fussy I turned in my car a began to drive . As soon as I parked I got out . I was going to talk to Justin . I can't make it with out him and jelena . I nocked in the door . And waited about a minute , before he opened the door and I poured everything to him . I then fell on the floor after telling him everything . I lost it . He grabbed my arm and lifted me up hugging me tightly .

He brought me to his couch . I then hear steps . I look Up and see my beautiful daughter.

"Hi baby oh look at you your so pretty " I say laughing at the words that just came out of my mouth.

"Okay your waisted , let's get you to bed " I hear Justin say

I couldn't stop crying and now I can't stop laughing . I feel jelena stare at me , but I just continue .

I feel two arms around me . Justin carried me . I felt him drop me in a soft warm bed .

Justin's pov

I wanted to laugh and smile at how cute she was but I was still processing what she told me .

I took her to the bed , she grabbed her stomach . I already new what was coming . Jelena was about to clim on the bed but I stopped her .

"You don't want to be there when she -

I got interrupted by her throwing up all over my white sheets .

"Ewwww" I heard Jelena say .

I looked at her and the expression on her face made me laugh .

"Come on let's eat something" I say

She nods . I clean the sheets and I left the room .

There was nothing to eat so we decided to just order pizza .

After the pizza worker freaked out . We got out pizza and sat in the table .

" why did mommy throw up" ?
She asked taking a bite of her pizza .

"Well she drank some things and io made her tummy hurt" I said avoiding all the really words .

Everything that has haopend today was bad but right now I felt like I had a real family . And I felt normal . Not a famous singer or a international pop star I just felt normal .

Me and jelena went to the other room and slept there . Today was gad good and bad .

Selena's pov
I woke up feeling my head exploding . I looked around and saw I was at a bedroom I was never in before . I began to panic thinking maybe I slept with a guy .

I then heard a laughing . A laugh I recognized . I felt gross I was covered in my own vomit mad my hair was sticky . I the got myself to get up .
I walked outside and i felt the smell of eggs and bacon fill my nose. I walked the curve .

"Want some orange juice " I heard .

I then begain to have flash backs , oh no my head .

"Selena you awake "?
I jumped up knowing I was caught .

"Umm yeah , hey jelena " I say calming over trying to have her a hug .

"Umm no go shower first mommy"
She said making Justin and I chuckle .

"Come with me " Justin says setting the spoon on the table . He walked me to the room I was in and pulled out a shirt and sweat pants .

"Here you can shower " he says

He was about to leave when j called him name .

"Justin , I- thanks for everything . I don't remember exactly what happened last night , but I remember what I said . And I really don't know what to say "

"Don't worry about it right now , we'll talk later and by the way you should be more careful about what you do in the public eye" he said giggling .

He took out his phone and a picture of me walking down the street in the dark alone came up .
I laughed.

(Thanks so much guys !! Honestly I love writing even if am not good . I have a special thing for today since today's Justin's birthday and today I hi 1k so the thing is am doing a quiz , so I'll put up a question and who ever gets it right will get to make a character up and it will be put in the story .

{So here's you question }

How old is Jelena ?

This should be easy to find so good luck . Ily and thanks . 💘also let me know if you like the picture I make to compleat the story )

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