There reaction

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Justin pov

" jelena for ever "
"Selena's fake "
"What the girls name "
"Justin left selena "

I read through the comments . I looked over to we're Selena was sitting in the couch .

She was already in tears .

"Selena .. It was the best to tell them " I say .

Today was jelenas first day of school . We dropped her off and after that big deal . We came back to Selena's house and we decided to read through the comments of what we said yesterday at the Ellen show .

I scooted over to we're she was and out me arm around her . She tuned her body and Leaned on me .

"It's my fault . I should have never had " she stopped realizing what she was about to say .

I look at her . How can she think that jelenas the best thing ever . I love Selena but she's making everything harder .

"I - I didn't mean that " she says getting up .

"You went to far , she's a human . I'll pick her up and I'll take care of her till you stop thinking this way selena . Yes our fans are the ones to get us were we are . But Selena look at what you saying , I know you love jelena but think about it . With out jelena we wouldn't be here together again " I grab my keys and walk out the door . I was mad at her .

I went to we're I was staying . I'm getting a house soon but for now am renting a apartment .

It was 3 already so jelena must be getting out . I walk into the school with only jelena on my mind .

"She wasn't lying" I here some girl whisper .

I look over and see jelena standing by the lock up area with her head straight down .

I wrote her name down on the sing it paper and walked over to her .

"Hi baby" I say and pick her up .

"Hi Dady " she says putting her head in my neck .

"What's wrong " i began to walk to the car .

"Daddy I don't want to come back "

"Why? " I asked concerned

"Because "

I decided to not ask until latter .I set her in her car seat and drove to my place . We didn't talk most of the ride . I drove past Selena's street.

"Where's mommy ?" I hear her ask

"Your staying with me for a while okay baby"I say hoping she can agree

"But I want to see mommy "
Ouch . It broke my heart .

"I'll take you if you let me know what's wrong " I say pulling into the apartment . I parked the car and tuned around to face her .

"They told me I was a big fat liar , for-" she begain but couldn't finish her sentence of how her breathing was quickening .

She looked down and then looked back at me .

"Fo- for saying th- that you are my dad-dy" she said whipping her tears .

I waited for her to calm down before i got out and took her from the car seat.

I walked in to the apartment with her . I set her on the couch .

"Don't worry okay , I'll have a talk with them . "

She looked at me . I hated seeing her like this . I was about to turn on the tv when I heard a knock on the door . I glanced at jelena and saw she was looking at the door .

I got up and walked to the door . I opened it . Jennifer .
I was about to speak when she walked straight to me and pushed me against the wall kissing me harshly . I dident kiss back . I tried to push her away because jelena was probably staring . I finally managed to get her of .

"What's you problem "!! I yelled trying to keep myself from cussing her out .

"I just thought it was okay " she says .

"My daughters here , and we're not even a thing " I yelled .

I looked over to we're jelena was sitting down but she wasn't there .

"She left baby" Jennifer says trying to come closer .

I backed up and this time I yelled louder .

She nods before yelling back
"Just don't come to me when you need someone "!!

I walk to my room and fare enough her little body was on my bed . I smiled looking at her . I then took off my shoes and laid next to her . I hugged we and before I new it I drifted of to sleep .

"Daddy the door "

I feel a small hand touch my cheek .
I move up a little and open my eyes .

"Knock knock " I hear .

"Jennifer again "
I mumble quietly so jelena won't here me .

" Stay in bed I'll be back " I say.

She nods and slips back under the covers .

I walk over to the door and opened it my eyes widen as I see ... Selena .

(Cliffhanger , sorry guys thanks so much for almost 900 views I hope the story is getting better . Please vote only have 8 votes and I have almost 900 readers so please vote , I'll be posting very soon also let me know if you like the pictures I put ) ily<3

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