Meeting him .

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Justin POV
She was so small and adorable . "Hey sweetie ". I said kneeling down to her level . "H- hi" she said giggling . "What your name " I asked picking her up .
"Jelena " she said shyly . I smiled remembering that was mine and selena ship name . "I love your name " I said
"Thanks" she said blushing putting her head in her hands . "Want a picture " I asked . "She nodded . I kneeled down making it looked like I asked to her marry me . There was something about her I really liked . "Hurry up " a lady called out . "One last hug " she said in her cute voice . She was one with the vip tickets so I had time . "JELENA HOPE GOMEZ " !!! A very familiar voice yelled. I turned around , and I froze . "Uhh" selena said stoping . "Mommy am sowwy" Jelena said hiding behind my leg .
"Get over here " Selena yelled . "We're leaveing" the lady who was here said leaveing is three alone . Jelena walked to selena . She looked at me with tears in her eyes. " hey Justin " she said looking down . "Hey Selena " was all I could say . "Jelena why don't umm" Selena said looking around . I jumped in "why don't you go sit in that room , here use my phone I said handing her my I phone . "Justwins phoneee " she yelled taking it and running of .

Selena's pov
After performing , i called everyone until I finally called the person with my daughter . She told me exactly were she was . I explained how I dident let Jelena go . She told me she was just meeting Justin . I grabbed the closest clothes and drove to the stadium. I thought it was going to be packed , but most of the people were already settled in the consent things . I walked to were the vip section was . Honestly I thought girls were coming to be everywhere , but I saw only Justin and my daughter "JELENA HOPE GOMEZ " I yelled . After that Sean . I as really nervous
I haven't seen Justin in a while and well I really miss him . Jelena right now was in the Little room in the corner white Justin's phone . "So you had a kid "? Justin asked making me jump out of my thoughts . "Umm yeah " . K said looking down . "Selena can I ask you something "? He asked . Oh no here it comes .
" who's the dad " ? He asked . My heart almost popped out . "Ummm " . "Selena "! He yelled . "It's" I said tearing up ."WHAT THE HELL ! WHY DID YOU HIDE IT FROM ME SELENA "!!!! "I THOUGHT YOU DID ABORTION " I yelled . "I did not "I simply said . He quickly took out a note . I read it .(the note at the beginning ) "we're did you get this from "? I asked sniffing a little . " you gave it to me " he said confused . "No Justin , I left because you gave me this note , j said pulling out the note from my bag " .
"Selena I never wrote this " Justin said serious .
"Well that why I hid her from you " I said . "She's mine" he responded , with happiness in his voice . "Yeah " I answerd . "Mommy am hungry" Jelena said walking up to us . "Well get you something " I said getting up from the couch . "Here justiwin " she sweetly said handing Justin his phone . "Jelena call me ......cliffhanger (sorry )

So this was one of the most important chapters of the whole story . I worked so much I hope you enjoyed . Ily guys , comment any feed back . 💘

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