Bringing it out

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Selena's pov
I begain to panic reading all the comment on Twitter and on all my social media. I am so confused . I can talk them the truth but me and Justin are not together so I'll be a big deal .

"selena I think Justin's here " Taylor says bringing me out of my thoughts .

I walk downstairs with Taylor right behind me . The door burts open . Jelena runs straight to Taylor

"Tay!! " she yelles

I nod to Taylor informing her to take jelena so me and Justin can talk this out .

I sit in the couch and so dose Justin . Silence took over .

"It wasn't me " he said .

I look at him . I know it wasn't him . I can tell in his eyes .

"Justin am just confused , okay ? If I clear things up then , we will both get hate , no matter what we do . " I say picking at my nails .

"Let's just say the truth " he says
"Let's not hide jelena it won't be as hard and also jelena will grow up and she won't want to be hidden . " he adds

"Okay so how will we do it "? I ask

"I'm getting interviewed at the Ellen show , you can come in and we can clear things up "

"I don't know Justin , this is a big deal "

"We can do it . But who brought it up or who found out "? He asks scratching the back of his head .

" I don't know " I say honestly .

"Well the in going to be at the Ellen show at 5 I'm the morning so I better get going if we want to make it there early "

"Maybe you can sleep here " I say .

"Sure " he simply says.

I call Taylor and jelena down . After about another hour Taylor decided to go home . I check the time and it's 9 .
I help Justin in to the guest room .

"Can I maybe put jelena to sleep " he asks

"Sure . Goodnight baby " Justin turns his head but then figures out that I was talking to jelena . I walk out and go up to my room . Ugh tomorrow's gonna be a long day . Speaking of tomorrow who's going th she care of jelena ? I guess will have to take her .

-next day -
Selena's pov
I shift to my right and push the bottom in the alarm clock.
The sun brightens up my room .
I wake up and see its 5:30
I quickly get up . We're supposed to be there at 5 .
I run across the house and nock on the guest room door . I knock again . No sound . I was about to open the door when I heard a laugh . I turn around and she Justin all dressed .

"Looking for someone " he says .

I give him a glare
"We're going to be late " I say walking pass him towards my room .

" I called Ellen you have exactly 45 minutes to get ready " he says .

I nod and walk into jelenas room I fix the shower and set out a outfit .

"Wake up baby" I say and shake her small body a little.

"Why"?? She whines

"Because we're going out with Dady " I say

I finally get her to get up . I walk to my room and do my stuff . I finished and went to help jelena . She looked so cute even in her wet hair . I help her dress and dry her hair before curling it . I put a flower crown and she looks absolutely beautiful .

"Ready "? Justin asked . I turn around .

"Yep we are " I say .

"You look amazing " he says .

"Thank you " me and jelena both say . I then figured that was for jelena . I feel my checks get hot .

On our way to the Ellen show I pray that everything goes on well .

Once we get there , I go directly to the back and me and jelena find our way to Justin waiting room . We wait there until justin comes in . He tells us how everything going to work . Ellen doesn't even know we're coming .
After about 30 min the show was going to begin to record . The screen this room has was huge . I saw people were arriving . I began to feel nervous .

"What's Dady doing on tv " jelena asks sitting in my lap .

"Well people are going to know your his daughter " I say .

She gasps . Then speaks "so my friends are going to know "

I smile and nod . I take my attention back to the screen .

"So Justin , there's a rumor going on , about you and Selena Gomez having a kid " Ellen asks

"Actually we're going to tell you and by we're I mean me and Selena " he says

That my cue . I get up and grab jelena hand . I can already here the crowd gasping .

"Ellen I brought with me selena and our daughter jelena " he says .

I walk in to the main stage and I ready feel jelena tigh her grip . I hug Ellen and laugh at her expression. I sit next to Justin and sit jelena on my lap . She rest her head on my neck .

"Wait so it's true "? She asks

"Yep , jelena is my doubter she's 6 and I have reasons for keeping her away from the public eyes those reasons can't be mentioned , but jelena is mine and Justin's daughter " I say

"Yeah say hi princess " Justin adds tugging on jelenas skirt .

"Hey" jelena says gently .

"Hi come here Lena , it's okay to call you that right"? Ellen asks sweetly

Jelena gets of off my lap and goes to Ellen . She gives her a hug .

After the interview and the show . We all meet back stage .

"Wait so are you guys together "? Ellen asks putting her notes in the table .

I look at Justin and then back at her
"No we're not together " I say

Justin looks at her then a jelena
"Yeah we're not "

"Oh well , i need to get some work done " she smiles hugging each of us .

Now to see how my fans react.

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