Chapter 9: The Pageant 2

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~Ha Yoo's POV~

Next is Courtney and I think she's going to dance. Hmm I think she's going to dance "aespa's Black Mamba" and I was right. After dancing Courtney bowed at us and left, me, Abi, and Blight exchanged glances. After the last contestant the next round is the Evening Gown.


The first contestant wears a glittery baby pink strapless evening gown. Layla wears a Royal blue sleeveless mermaid-like evening gown with floral designs. And Courtney wears a red evening gown with sleeves. After the evening gown round, the next and last round is the Q & A portion while still wearing their evening gown outfits.

Please welcome contestant number 1. The MC said and she walked up the stage.

Please pick a paper from the bowl and give it to me. She picked a paper and gave it to the mc, then the mc read it.

Why did you decide to compete in this pageant?. The mc read and asked

My answer to this would be ,that ,these pageants give a girl, a platform to represent themselves and express what they feel. They can keep their opinion in front of more number of people ,and if they want to change something in this world, these pageants are one of the best option . We can emphasis more on any social evil in society being in a pageant, and can also work for it .

Secondly ,all the pageants ,help a person to improve their personality and the way they show themselves to the World.

Thirdly, through these pageants , I'll have an opportunity to be called as Miss Song,if I fortunately win it . I would be able to show the culture and beauty of our country with other girls worldwide .

And also, pageants give a person , nationally or internationally recognizable personality ,which means the most . Miss Camila answered

That was a nice answer Miss Camila!

Thank you!

Lets move on to contestant number 2!. Layla walked to the judge and took a paper and gave it to the mc.

What do you think is the biggest problem facing young people today?

I think School or study problems

33.8% of young people were extremely concerned or very concerned. Because many teenager or teens commit suicide nowadays and the government is very worried for the future of us teenagers.

Thank you for that answer!

After some time its Courtney's turn and took a paper in the jar and handed it to the mc.

If you could have any superhuman power what would it be?

If I had one superpower, I'd like to create electricity. I would go to all the far places in the world and give them electricity so that the lives of people living there would become easier. She answered and I admit that's a great answer.

What a wonderful answer Miss Courtney! Thank you. And now we will announce the winner of The Song 112th Pageant. Abigail handed him the card with the answers of who will be the champion.

3rd place goes to..... Contestant number 12! Miss Aaliyah Dahlia Green, congratulations!

2nd place goes to..... Contestant number.....1 Miss Camila Avery Lopez, congratulations!

1st place.....goes to..... Contestant number 24! Miss Courtney Moore! congratulations!

champion of The Song 112th pageant is..... Contestant number....2! Miss Layla Violet King! congratulations!

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