Chapter 29: Can't Stop Thinking About You

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~Asahi's POV~

Nii-chan let's go, I have to help the officers to decorate the school. Sachi said and got into the car.

-At the school-

Where's your room again Sachi?. I asked her as we arrived at the school.

3rd floor, next to the meeting room. She said as we go up the stairs to the 2nd floor. Just then I heard a loud scream from the meeting room, and I sprinted up the stairs. I saw the meeting room door closed, I opened it and I saw the girl who I bumped into with at the cafeteria before and a guy pinning her at the wall. I punched him immediately and he stumbled backwards.

Get out of here!. I shouted at her and saw that she ran away from the meeting room. The guy tried to punch me but I dodged it and grab his arms and pinned him down on the floor. I saw Sachi outside and told her to call the police.

Sachi wa ima keisatsu o yobu (Sachi call the police now). I said still pinning the guy down.

Hai (okay). She said and grabbed her phone from her pocket


~Sachi's POV~

I dialed 911


911 what's you emergency?. The dispatcher asked

Linden Academy, 3rd floor at the meeting room, please send an ambulance too. I said

What's the problem Miss?. The dispatcher asked.

We heard a loud scream and when we arrived here at the 3rd floor we saw a guy assaulting a girl and my brother punched him and is pinning him down right now. I said and explained the situation.

Okay just wait there and the police and the ambulance is on their way. The dispatcher said

Okay thank you. I said and hung up.

Nii-chan they are on their way. I said

Okay let's wait here. Nii-chan said

We waited for 5 minutes and I finally heard the police sirens

They're here. I said and saw 2 police officers running towards us.

Okay we will escort you two to the ambulance. The police said to the guy and to Asahi nii-chan

While we were walking to the ambulance the guy keeps on resisting. After the guy and nii-chan were treated, the officers told us to get in the car and the guy is on the other police car. They took us to the police station.


-At the police station-

~Asahi's POV~

As we arrived at the police station I told them to lock the guy up

Lock him up, he assaulted a girl. I said as I glared at him

Is it true that you assaulted a girl?. The officer asked the guy's true.....The guy said and looked down

Okay what's your name?. The officer asked

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