Chapter 21: Traitor

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~Ha Yoo's POV~

After 10 minutes I saw Blight and Abigail at the nearby bench

Hey guys! Let's go. I said and smile at them.

Hey Ha Yoo, let's go!. Abigail said and started walking toward the cafeteria.

how was your sparring?. Blight asked

Well..I won, the score was 20-18. I said and we finally entered the cafeteria.

Congratulations then!. Blight said and hugged me.

Hey guys what do you want to eat?. Abigail asked.

Hmm for me...chicken, mashed potato, salad and banana milk. Thanks Abi!. I said

You're welcome

For me is chicken, pizza and a salad. Blight said

Oki doki!. Abigail said and walked towards the counter.

After a minute my phone rang

Ohh? I'll just answer this call Blight okay?

Okay. Blight said and left the noisy cafeteria.


Hello miss Song?

Ohh hey Adrian, what's up?

ps: Adrian is the secretary of her father

Miss, your father said you need to come at your school


He said you need to arrange something

Ohhh okay what time should I go?

He said after lunch

Ohh okay thanks

Thank you too Miss stay safe

I will. I said, hang upped and returned to our table to see Abigail already came back with our food.

Ohh Ha Yoo, come on let's eat now

Okay, and ohh guys I have to go to my families school after lunch, can you excuse me to our subject teachers?. I said and took a bite on my chicken.

Sure but why though?. Abigail asked.

Umm...I need to take care of something there

Ohh okay okay hihi. Abigail said and continued eating.


*After lunch at Song U*

When I was at the gate, the students were all looking at me and I just ignored their stares

Ohh look who's here! Miss Song Ha Yoo. Courtney said with her two friends by her side. I just ignored her.

Hey!. Courtney shouted and pulled my hair.

Where do you think your going?!. Courtney said

Hmmm...oh yeah! I'm going to the principal's office. I said and yanked her hand.

Why?. She asked

Hmm...well..I was thinking if I should expel you. I said and smirked at her.

Go on expel me! I will just move to LinDen Academy hahaha!. she said and laughed loudly.

Ohhh darling...Don't you know that the owner is my parent's bestfriends? and their one and only daughter is also my bestfriend?. I said and stared at her coldly.

Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!. The crowd oed.

W-well....I just go to Stewart University!

Ohh Darling....don't waste your time, I suggest that you should just behave here and don't cause trouble to other people. And yes I'm telling you to not bully anyone anymore. I said and she glared at me.

And oh one more thing..who is Sally Rivera here?. I asked and a tall skinny girl with red hair emerged from the crowd while raising her hand. I motioned to her to come to me.

From now on If any of you I MEAN ANY OF ALL OF YOU bullied her again expect to have a punishment from me and not just Sally...this is for everyone who is being bullied, now I have to go, go back to your classrooms. I finally said and they hurriedly go to their classrooms except Courtney and her friends.

We're not done yet Song Ha Yoo. Courtney said and finally walked out.

Tss. I said and headed to the principals office to discuss something


*At the principal's office*

Ohh Miss Ha Yoo...come sit. The principal said and I sat at the chair in front of her

Mrs. Rodriguez..It's nice to meet you again. I said and we shook hands.

Well...your father sends you here because he will give you a task that you have to do in 1 week. She said and smiled at me.

What task?. I asked giving her a confused looked.

Someone wants to ruin your business and your father instructed me to tell you this news, he said you need to investigate who is that someone....can you do it?. Mrs. Rodriguez said and asked.

Yes I can and can you tell my father that he can trust me. I said and left the office.

As I was walking and thinking who might be the traitor in our company, I was suddenly bumped into something and I looked up and it was not was someone and I spilled his soda onto his shirt when I bumped into him.

Omaygash! I'm so sorry I said and frantically getting a tissue from my bag

Hahahaha no it's okay I still have a spare shirt in my locker. He said and I sighed in relief.

I'm really really sorry It was ju-

Hahaha it's okay. He said and smiled at me.

If I'm not're Song Ha Yoo right? you are the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Song the owner of this school

Hehe yup that's me and you?



Hey guys! I know I know it's kinda short hehe It's because I'm having a writer's block huhuhu I'm so sorry guys and our final exam is coming up! huhuhu btw I hope you all enjoyed it! thanks for all your support. STREAM BOY! road to 100M fighting!

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