Chapter 28: Halloween Party -Part 2-

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~Ha Yoo's POV~

As were finishing my look, Byung Yoo entered the room

Wow lil sis you don't like a fairy!. Byung Yoo said and I glared at him

Woahhhh hahaha because you look like a goddess. Byung Yoo said and smiled sheepishly

Well gee thanks oppa. I said and rolled my eyes at him.

After preparing, let's take a picture so that mom and dad can also see how beautiful you are lil sis hahaha. Byung Yoo said and got his phone in his pocket because we are about to finish preparing.

That's a great idea Byung Yoo darling!. Auntie said and finally finished putting lip gloss on my lips.

Okay, 1, 2, 3 smile!. Byung Yoo said and clicked enter of the camera.

After taking several pictures Byung Yoo gave me 5 more pain killers.

Thanks oppa, bye Auntie we have to go now. I said and hugged her and Byung Yoo and I came down the stairs and got into his car and drove to my school.

As we drove to the school Byung Yoo said that I should always stick to my friends and he will be watching me from a far, just to be sure I'm safe.

Okay thank you Byung Yoo. I said, hugged him and got out of his car and saw Blight, Abigail, Jane, Zixtone and Aleb waiting for me in the school gate.

Bye see you later oppa. I said and approached my friends

Bye stay safe!. I heard him said one last time before driving off.

Hey guys!. I said as I approached them.

Hey how was your cheeks?. Abigail said and then asked.

Hmm it's not hurting anymore because I took some pain killers that Byung Yoo gave me. I said

Why? what happened?!. Jane asked

I'll tell you later, come on the event is about to start. I said and walked inside the gym. I need to thank Auntie because the foundation covered my wound well and the other students didn't noticed anything wrong about my face.

We sat at the table with a sign "OFFICERS ONLY" and I began telling Jane, Zixtone and Aleb what happened to my face.

J-Joshua....h-he....assaulted me....he was the one I heard...t-the rustling sound...after I texted you guys.....he shoved me to the wall and tried to kiss me...but luckily that guy opened the door and punched Joshua, and then he told me to run....that's when I saw Abigail and Blight and then I fainted. I said and looked both shocked and angry.

How dare he!. Jane shouted and the other students near our table looked at us.

Shhhhh it's okay now. I said and looked at the students looking at us and I said sorry.

I think it's not over yet. Zixtone said

What do you mean?. Abigail asked but before Zixtone can answer her question the mc spoke.

Good evening everyone!. the mc said and the students roared.

Okay Okay calm down guys Happy Halloween! we will start this party with an opening speech from our beloved President. Mr. Gabriel Linden. The mc said and we applause as Mr. Linden walked to the stage and gave his opening speech. After giving his opening speech the mc announced the first event.

The first event is trick or treat in the school ground, you can now start trick or treating, the person with the most candy will have a price. Good luck everyone!. The mc said and the students started trick or treating. Me and the others started at the first floor and I saw Byung Yoo at a tree near were we are right now. I just ignored him. We got 5 candies each at the first room. At the end of the first event we gathered back to the gym.

Now that the first event is finished let's announce the winner. The winner is.....Miss Sachi Hamada from tenth grade! congratulations. The mc announced and the students roared again. The price is the Mouawad - Snow White Princess Diamond Watch.

Okay Okay calm down now because were going to eat first before proceeding with the events. The mc said and we started eating because when we arrive again here at the gym after the trick or treat event the foods are already at our tables.

After eating we proceed with the next events. The next event is the competition in making a candy wreath.

And since everyone is done eating let's proceed to the next event, its going to be a competition again, a competition in making a candy wreath. Your groupmates will be those with you at your table. The mc announced

The waiters gave us the things we needed to make the candy wreath and I noticed that the waiter who gave us what we needed is Byung Yoo but my friends didn't noticed it. I thought to myself what a great disguise. After 20 minutes we finished making our candy wreath and after 30 minutes all of us finished.

Since all of you are already finished, let's see whose team made the most beautiful candy wreath. The mc said and looked at all the candy wreaths made by the students.

Well then....the winner of the candy wreath making competition! congratulations!. The mc said and then the students cheered. The price is 3 Chanel makeup sets, 2 Lana Marks Cleopatra Clutch and a Onkyo H900M 20-carat Diamonds headphones. We each picked what we want from the price and Abigail and I picked the Lana Marks Cleopatra Clutch. Blight, Jane and Zixtone picked the Chanel makeup set and Aleb picked the headphones. After the party ended Byung Yoo drove us home.

Auntie were back!. I said as I took off my sandals

Welcome back dear, take a bath you two and sleep immediately okay? I know both of you are tired. Auntie said and I looked at my watch it's 1 in the morning already.

Okay Auntie. Byung Yoo and I said after hugging her and went upstairs to take a bath. After taking a bath and after I lie down in my bed I immediately fallen asleep.

Who do you think saved Ha Yoo? keep reading to find out!


Thank you guys! let's grow little by little and STREAM BOY! mwah

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