escape pt. 2

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i was re reading this book and.....i cringed. hard. like, how did y'all not cringe? do yall have some superpowers or smth?

but hey! this is pt. 2 at "escape" since im not rly proud of the ending


Everything went downhill.

Amane's world felt like it was shattered into a million pieces when he woke up that Nene wasn't with him. The movie was still playing, door open, snowflakes falling onto the ground. But Nene wasn't in sight.

He just sighed softly, grab his winter coat and headed outside with a flashlight in hand.

He knew he should've put a tracker on Nene when he got the time.

Since they were in a middle of nowhere somewhere in the woods, Nene wouldn't know where she was or where the road led to her home.

It was easier for Amane to find her.

But if Nene died of hypothermia, it's gonna be bad.

{With Nene}

She ran fast, not looking back.

Nene tripped a few rocks that was in the way but manage to run faster.

Good thing that she brought a very thick blanket with her since it's gonna be cold for the night. She knew she couldn't die because of that.

Nene didn't bring a flashlight, it might be easier for Amane to find her since he knew the place for than she do.

It was dark yes, but she managed to see where she was going. She got used to it when Nene was in the basement for a long time for trying to escape.

Puffs of white air came out of Nene's mouth whenever she exhale. She knew that it was bad news that there's literally footprints leading to where she was going.

But thanks to the snow, it covered her footprints..

After what felt like forever of running to nowhere or some shit, Nene decided to sleep and continue tomorrow.

( oop forgot to tell u that she brought a bag w her full of supplies of food and important shits )

Thankfully, the snow storm seemed to calm down and eventually stopped.

Nene leaned into some thick black tree and pulled out her thick blanket and hovered it over to her.

{With Amane}

Shit. SHIT. Amane couldn't find her. He looked everywhere to the places he knew. He started panicking.

Did she already found the road? Did she die? Did an animal eat her? Why did she leave him? Why?

Amane couldn't waste his time on questions, and wouldn't sleep until he found Nene.

[time skip]

It was now morning.

Nene got up, warm embrace her as she stretch and let out a groan.

She was still sleepy, she couldn't open her eyes yet.

"Nene dear! Time for breakfast!" Her mother shouted downstairs. Nene let out an "okay" before getting ready.

It had been 5 months since she got out of Amane's grasp and for the first time, she felt like she was breathing fresh air.

She didn't know where he was now, but she couldn't care less..

Eventually, her family move away. Far away from Tokyo where Amane couldn't find them.

They live in a somewhat countryside in Japan.

The police still hadn't found Amane, which that made her worry a lot. Considering that he was still in the same country where she was.

But there's a possibility that he couldn't find them.

When Nene was now ready, she went downstairs to eat.

Her parents greeted her as they were eating breakfast. She greeted them back and joined them

After breakfast, Nene said goodbye to her parents to take a walk in the neighborhood.  She went to the field where she always go and sat there for awhile. Then to the park, cafe, and then go back home.

This was Nene's weekend routine now. It was a peaceful life in the countryside.

When she arrived at the field, the view looks so mesmerizing. It was a breathtaking field.

( lmFaO imagine any kinds of field u have in mind, like flower, grass, etc. )

Nene sat down on the bench to watch the sun slowly rising.

But suddenly, a black void was sucking Nene in. Her eyes widen, as she screamed.





Nene woke up with a gasp, sweats on her forehead. She was breathing heavily. She looked around to where she was and to her relief, it was her room.

She look outside her window and saw that it was nighttime. Her eyes darted to her clock and it was 9:27 PM.

She sighed, trying to calm down. And planning on drinking water after.

Nene got up, and went downstairs..

The place were really quiet, but she didn't mind. She likes this kinds of things..

As she was drinking her water, she felt like something moved beside her. Nene looked at the direction where something moved but nothing was there..

She just shrug it off, thinking that it was her cat.

When she was done, she went upstairs to go back to bed since she was really exhausted.

"Ah, it's been awhile. Nene." Nene's heart jumped at the sudden voice called out to her. She turned around and met the worst person she had in life.

"W-what..?" She mumbled, still wide eyed. Amane was there. He was standing in front of her. Holding a knife...

"It's been 3 years huh? Not gonna lie your apartment looks neat. I should move in with you." Amane chuckled, playing with the knife he had.

"H-how..? I-i thought y-you were.."

"Dead?" Amane giggled. "Those stupid policemen thought that Tsukasa was me?Don't make me laugh."

Nene's body shake as Amane's face was inches closer to hers. How did he move so fast?

"Well, you thought wrong Nene. I was searching for you since you escaped. I was so lost without you, I couldn't think, I couldn't control myself. Without you, I'm insane." He sighed and caressed Nene's cheek.

"But... Since I found you now, I'm not gonna let you go again. Ever." He whispered in her ear.

The knife was dangerously close to her neck. Signalling her not to scream.

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