hate, hate, hate

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He hates her.

He hates her so much.

He hates her naivety, he hates her kindness towards others. He hates her innocence.

It makes him wanna break her.

Break her until she's nothing but an obedient doll for her master. Her innocence makes him wanna rip out her skin and shove it down her throat.

That's much how he hates her.

Her voice is annoying.

Her face is annoying.

Everything that is about her existence is annoying.

He hates that she made him do unspeakable thing.

He hates that she made him desperate for her.

He hates that he would beg on his knees in desperation just for her too look in his way.

He hates that he's crazy for her.

And he's okay with it.


"I really hate you, y'know?" Nene widens her eyes slightly, her breath caught up to her throat at this provided information she didn't want.

"Oh." She didn't know what to say, who is he anyways? He came up to her and just told her he despised her. "I'm sorry I made you feel that way...?"

Who even is this guy?

"I'll stay out of your way if you hate me." She has got to admit, it hurts to know that someone you barely even talk to or know hates your guts. Did she do anything that made him mad?

Suddenly, she felt a hand pulling her back.

"I hate that you won't always hear me out."


"I'm not even finished talking and you're just gonna walk away? I hate that about you." Trying to comprehend what he's saying, she eventually didn't have time to think as her vision started to get blurry.

"I hate that you made me do illegal things."

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