a mother's love

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if you misinterpret the title, no, nene's not amane's mother and it's not incest


Mrs. Yugi is known to be the most perfect woman in the whole neighborhood.

Kind, gentle, and beautiful. Every man wishes to her to be their wife. Every kid wanted her to be their mother.

Mr. Yugi is considered lucky to have a wife like her. It is said that Mrs. Yugi loved her husband very much, so so much.

It's not false.

She does truly love him, and her two twin children. Her two little adorable children. Her dream was to have a perfect family with the love of her life, and it came true.

Small, yet a perfect family.


Amane's mother is perfect.

Kind, gentle, beautiful.

It was like a dream come true to have a mother like her. His lovely mother, whom he loved dearly.

No woman could ever replace her as his mother.

She's the most important person in the whole world to him.

He would not hesitate to kill if someone were to harm his beloved mother. It's troublesome, really.

Having a perfect mother such as her.



So noisy.

Chattering, clanking, whispering, yelling.

This whole room is so noisily annoying.

The grip on his book tightened, trying to concentrate on what the words had written. But he can't, he couldn't. All because of these chittering and chattering. It's like pests, buzzing flies flying around him.

Amane gritted his teeth, clutching on the book even more tightly. Veins more visible on his forehead as he tried to drown out the noise. God, if only he-

"Oh my god! are you okay?! You look so red!" He widened his eyes and immediately felt a presence in front of him, looking at the worried girl who placed her hand on his forehead. He quickly backed away from her touch.

"Oh, I'm sorry did I made you uncomfortable? It just made me worry that you're sick since you're the new kid after all." Her angelic, smooth voice rang in his ears. Finally, he was able to drown out the other peasants' noises. He can hear only her voice. It's... Pleasant.

She smiled at him softly. "You should go to the infirmary if you're feeling an upcoming sickness. I'll write a note to a teacher." Amane nodded without saying a word, quickly standing up and going towards the infirmary like she told him too.

His heart was thumping fast. Way too abnormally fast.


"Mother, may I have a word with you?" Mrs. Yugi sat elegantly in the master's bedroom, sitting upon the comfy-looking futon. She looked up from her work and smiled at her child.

"Yes, Amane-kun? Come sit here." She patted the spot next to her, Amane only nodded and sat down. Chin up and sitting straight. "What is it that you want to talk to me about?"

Without hesitation, he spoke with pride. "I have met someone. More important than you, mother." His voice never wavered, his eyes never meeting his mother.

Mrs. Yugi smiled and nodded, understanding her oldest child. "I see. So you're not hesitant to harm me if I don't accept her as my daughter-in-law?"

"Yes. Even if you object to my love for her, I will cut all my ties on this family." Amane bowed at his mother only a bit, his head still up high.

Sighing, her mother nodded again. "Very well then, I understand. What is the name of this girl you're deeply infatuated with?"

"Yashiro. Yashiro Nene."

Mrs. Yugi dismissed Amane after a long talk with her son. She closed her eyes and her beautiful face saddened.

Yashiro Nene, you're in terrible danger.

Mrs. Yugi can't do anything but pray for the girl who Amane took interest in.

What a pitiful human being she is.


Amane's mother smiled at her now, adult child. Glancing at her daughter-in-law, her face frowned as she saw the utter-dread look on Nene's face. Sure, she's smiling but her eyes were begging to leave Amane.

The wedding venue was huge, lots of friends, relatives were invited. But to Nene, it was like a gateway to be with Satan for eternity.

"Amane-kun," his mother's sweet, gentle voice rang in his ears. Amane turned to his mom and smiled.


"May I speak with Nene-chan for a moment?" Amane's eyebrow twitched, obviously not wanting his wife to be separated from him. But he forced himself to smile and nod.

Nene hesitantly followed Mrs. Yugi, she looked back at Amane whose eyes were still on her form. She looked away almost immediately, now noticing that she and Mrs. Yugi were in a secluded place.

"Listen, Nene-chan." She started, a serious look on her face. She gently placed her right hand on her shoulder. "I know how much you wanted to escape from Amane-kun."

Nene's eyes widened, so someone had noticed it! She smiled in relief, hopeful glimmers in her orbs.

"So, does that mean-"

"But, I won't help you." Mrs. Yugi looked down, guilty for not being able to help this poor girl.

As for Nene, she felt like her whole world had been shattered into pieces. There's someone who noticed that she wanted to escape, but couldn't help her.

"I'm truly sorry about your situation, I also envy you," she smiled at her. "Because he treasures you, more than me."

Mrs. Yugi left, leaving behind the bride with a shock written across her face. She fell down on her knees, covering her face with her hands as she sobbed.

Feeling arms wrapped around her sobbing form, she knew the person was her husband.

"Don't worry, I love my mother but you're more important. I'd kill her if you ask me to."


so, idk what's the point in this chapter and why is hanako's mother involved. maybe it's bc i don't have any ideas anymore or im just being stupid

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