his room pt. 2

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"Yes, hello? 911? Y-yes I really need help right now.." She whispered ever so quietly, her grip on her phone tightened in fear. Eyes peering through the cracks of the closet door. "Please... Come here quick, I'm in danger. I can't talk much longer." Her breath hitches when she heard a thump, staying quiet and covered her mouth.

Trying to steady her heavy breathing, she failed to do so as she is terrified to her wits. Quickly whispering to where her address is to the 911 dispatcher.

The silence was so loud it rang through her ears, tears uncontrollably rolls down on her cheeks.

Out of all the rooms in the Yugi residence, she had to pick the worst one.

Amane's room.

Where he kept all kinds of pictures of her.

Though it's a relief that he respects her privacy and didn't take a photo of her.... nude.

Slightly flinching at the noises of something crashes, she bit her lip harder. Not caring if she tasted her blood. She had to stay quiet.

Everything felt so surreal, her vision was starting to blur.



She's passing out.


Form looming over the sleeping figure of Nene, her chest heaved up and down in a steady rhythm as he narrowed his eyes. Picking her up elegantly, he nuzzled his face on her soft, silky hair. He breathed in her scent, savoring its taste.

Sighing out loud, finally feeling satisfied  with this, he smiled and happily hugged her. Not too tight or else he might wake her up.

"Finally. Finally, finally, finally." His grin turned wider. "I knew Amane could be in great use of this." Mischievous amber orbs trailed over to his older brother's dying body, blood pour over the floor. "Who knew he also kept pictures of her.." He looked at the walls, pouting. "He even took the best angles of her.."


plot twist🤪 didn't expect that tsukasa also has a crazy obsession on our dear little nene huh???

anyway who here doesn't like sweet potatoes

it's just that my hubby boo boo bear pookie teru's favorite food is sweet potatoes and i wanna know if y'all like sweet potatoes

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