im a fookin pwetty pwincessw uwu

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"I'm sorry." He apologize, his hands covering over his head. Tightening around his raven locks as pearly tears rolled down on his skin. "I'm sorry Yashiro-san. I'm really sorry."

Amane bit his lip and closed his eyes, muttering apologies continuously. His grip loosens on the knife and it eventually clang onto the floor.

"I'm really sorry for what I've done, for all of the horrible things I had done." He rocks himself back and forth, eyes glued to the floor.

His eyes trailed to the sleeping figure on his bed, her body full of scars and bruises. The recent wound she got still oozing out blood.

He knew he shouldn't carve his name on her skin. He knew he shouldn't. But yet he still did it.

He forced himself to drown out the screams and whines coming from his beloved while he slice her skin up.

He sobbed, looking at the knife with regret eyes.

Eventually, after a while of constant cries, he bandaged her up and let her comfortably rest without an open wound.


"S-stay away!" Nene shouted, arms immediately went up to her face an attempt to shield her. "Please don't hurt me again! I'll do a-anything!" She sobbed, eyes streaming down endlessly. "I promise I won't be a bad girl.. I-i promise I'll always oblige to your orders.."

On the other hand, Amane was shocked at the begging and cries from her. Guilt suddenly overcame him, feeling a sharp stinging pain from his chest. He looked at his hand which he gripped the knife and immediately threw it away.

He was planning on carving his name on her skin again.

"No- no.. Yashiro-san, I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

"Stay away from me!" Her words felt like knives being stabbed in his heart, his eyes began teary and he sobbed.

"Yashiro-san I'm really sorry!" He shouted pathetically, hands shaking as they painfully tugged his messy hair. "I-i won't do it again.. I'm really sorry.."


Placing the rope on the kitchen table, he looked at Nene on the couch with her head low. He frowned and bit his lip in sorrow.

"Yashiro-san.. Why did you try to hang yourself..?" She slowly looked at him with dull eyes, dull eyes that poured tears.

"I just wanted to." She bluntly stated, but Amane wasn't satisfied with this answer.

"I stopped doing it, so please love me. I know the scars are still visible on your skin but I can't see it from here! Just love me.." He desperately shouted, slamming his hands on the counter.

She didn't answer. Not like she wanted to anyways.

"I know I've done bad things to you before.." He wiped his tears as he sobbed and hiccuped. "B-but.. I've changed. I've change so you could love me. I left you alone just like you wanted so you could love me."

"..." Nene looked down to her lap before standing up, surprising Amane. She began walking towards her room and slams it shut. Amane is now alone, again.


"Yashiro-san.." He looked up at the hanging body. He shook his head, not wanting to believe that this was all true. "Yashiro-san, Yashiro-san, Yashiro-san.." He chanted her name, as if he believed it would bring her back.

Once he held the cold deceased body in his arms, he gritted his teeth and began crying uncontrollably and loudly.  "Screw you gods! Screw you, screw you, screw you!!!"

"I'll never forgive you!! Please bring her back, please!" He shouted, tears stinging his eyes as they rolled down on her body. "Yashiro-san..!"

If only he wasn't unstable, he would've known that he was in an asylum the whole time and Nene doesn't exist.

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