the ending nene deserves

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happy ending nene!


Nene escaped.....

She couldn't believed it... she escaped from his grasp once and for all..

She looked at her hand, knife covered in his blood. She couldn't be so happy more than anything. She was finally free.

Nene looked at the doorway, she was itching to go out and be free. Her feet carried her to the doorway, hands ready to turn the doorknob and run into the wild.

Nene open the door, fresh air started to go in her lungs. She breathe it, and smiled.

She turned around, Amane's body still lying on the floor. She glared at it, hatred in her eyes were very visible.

But she couldn't look at it any longer.

Nene didn't waste any more time looking at the bastard. So she finally walk, away from this hellhole.

She was held captive for 2 years.

But now, she's finally free.


done! yay nene finally got a happy ending!!

is it the end? a big yes

not the book tho, just this story where nene is finally free from amane

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