a monster

760 18 10

me is bored, me gonna write with no logic, me wanna sleep so bad, me wanna write before sleep, might be sloppy


"Be careful of the monster, young child. It could be lurking amongst the darkness of the trees." Nene's grandmother warned her, she smiled and nodded.

"I will, grandma. Don't worry, nothing's happened to me for the past years. I'll be sure to keep an eye out." Her grandma kissed her on the forehead, patting her head gently.

"Alright sweetie. If you see it, just don't blink. Or else it'll be in front of you and devour you whole." Grandma teased, and tickled her granddaughter. They both laugh and wave each other goodbye.

She walked the familiar path of trail leading to her hometown, trees standing gloriously still around her. Seemingly looming over her weak, small frame.


She didn't know what happened.

But all she could think was run. The creature- the monster stands over her. Its head tilting to the side with its huge claws at either side of its body.

She didn't dare to blink, thinking it could snap her neck as fast as light.

It didn't move. Just a few feet away, staring at her. Slowly crawling away from it, not even blinking once, she grabbed a stick and threw it at the creature. Of course, the creature didn't budge.

Nene felt her back pressed against to some tree, her eyes getting dryer and dryer any second.

Then, she blinked.

Nothing happened.

Just the creature who was a few feet away from her, now its face inches away from hers. This made her blink again in accident.

This time, the monster move its giant claws closer to her cheeks. A hoarse, low growl emitting from its mouth.

"..pretty," its long, salivary tongue dragged upwards on her cheek. "Tasty."


yep, that is the end

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