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"We have been reported yet again to a murder case in XXX, a middle aged man had been said to be shot multiple times on his abdomen, the culprit hasn't bee-"

Nene turned the TV off and sighed, running her fingers through her hair stressfully. Her face contorted to a frown, biting her bottom lip in fear.

Her form tensed up at the sound of the front door opening and creaking, she didn't dare to look behind her.

A hand was placed on her shoulder and she tried so hard not to flinch.

"Hey darling." Her husband placed a kiss on her cheek lovingly. "How are you?"

"I'm doing good, just bored in this house." She smiled to him reassuringly, he hummed in respond as he knelt in front of her. He intertwined their fingers together as he kissed the back of her hand while staring at her with obsessive eyes.

( okay so i just can't imagine amane being an adult with his usual haircut. I MEAN DON'T TAKE IT THE WRONG WAY, i find it cute but it doesn't suit him when he's a grown adult, so imma just imagine his hair with a different haircut, there's no point in this a/n, just wanted to tell u that his bob cut doesn't suit him in his adult face— MY OPINION BTW I'M SORRY IF U HATE IT)

"Hm, is that so?" She nodded, smiling. But her breath hitched as he went to kiss her stomach, their fingers still intertwined. "And how's my baby doing?" He asked, seemingly at their baby.

( nenes stomach is still small btw, a small fetus still in her stomach)

Nene giggled, but soon stopped as she felt lips on her own. She wanted to pull away but couldn't.

The kiss was slow and passionate, which she tried so hard not to suffocate. Amane pulled away so slightly, their lips just an inch away. He licked her lips, kissing it a few times as he was about to go to her neck.

( pls i can't )

"Woah, slow down Amane-kun." Nene stopped him, her palm pressed against his lips. Amane pouted and grab her wrist gently.

"But we're married aren't we? It's okay to do it.. or perhaps are you shy?" He smirked at her. Nene just laughed, patting his head.

"No.. I'm just tired." She glanced at the small red stain on his work uniform. She didn't question it, she knew what happened. "Anyway, I gotta go to sleep." She kissed his forehead a goodnight.

Amane stared as Nene stood up and walked towards their shared bedroom, once her form was out of his sight, he let out a sigh with a smile.

His eyes trailed to his slight stain.

He hoped she hadn't notice that.


Back again with smooching.

Jk no smooching.

Nene was in their shared bedroom, thinking about her husband's illegal doings.

Why has he come to this? What made him do all these kinds of things? Is he even aware of what he's doing is not good?

Her formed tensed as soon as she felt cold skin meeting her nape. She let out a small yelp and soon turned around but her lips were — again — caught by her husband's.

'Guess there is smooching after all.

She closed her eyes, wanting to get over this. But her husband didn't allow that. He kept on kissing and kissing her, she had to breathe through her nose. As they were done, the woman sucked in sweet air and glared at Amane who had a playful grin on his face.

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