intrusive thoughts

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I want to lock you up. I want to take you somewhere nobody knows, I want you to rely on me and only me.

I want to protect you. Keep you safe in my arms. I want to be there for you. I want you to only look at me and only say my name.

Give me lots of affections like I would do to you. I want you to give me kisses and hugs every single moment.

I want us to shower together, go anywhere you desire to go. I want to keep you warm on our shared bed. For you, I could find a job and spoil you whatever you ask for.

You look so appetizing I can't stop staring at you. You make me feel sane, you make me feel normal. You're the love of my life, Yashiro Nene. Please, accept me to be yours. I can be yours, you can be mine.

Just say yes. A simple three letter word. I'm not asking much, aren't I? At least be generous and accept me. Please, love me as much as I love you.

I will get on my knees if you want me to, I'll even beg if you ask me to. I'm desperate for you alright? So desperate I even made a human doll version of you.

I promise I'll be romantic, I'll give you anything you desire. I don't care about your legs, I could just stare at it all day and not get tired. Everything about you is perfection, after all.

Just please. Love me. Kiss me. Hug me. Bite me. You can do anything with my body as long as you accept me.

You'll be mine forever, and I'll be yours.

I love you.

-Yugi Amane.

Looking upon the letter, Nene was disturbed. More than ever. A creepy boy named 'Amane' just sent her this disgusting letter, and expects her to just accept him after all these words written on the paper?

It was no doubt that this lad is more than crazy. Moreover, this boy is completely infatuated to her! And she doesn't even know him in her entire life! How crazy is that?

Sighing, she felt a shiver ran through her spine and crumpled the letter. Throwing it into her trashcan.

Thoughts about the writer quickly invaded her mind. What if he'll abduct her when she's asleep? Take her somewhere far like what the letter said?

Nene frowned, mostly feeling scared.


Huff, huff, huff...

Ngh.. Ah, haah...

Ah, urk- haah. Ahn...


"Yashiro-san.." He panted again, trying to slow down his rapid beating heart. Grunting again as he looked at the shock look on the girl's face.

Placing his hand over the wound which Nene had stabbed him only minutes ago, he chuckled as sweats continuously roll down his forehead.

"That's some.. Pretty nice stab." He admits, smiling and puts even more pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. He panted again.

Nene angrily threw a rock at him, which he skillfully dodged. "Get away from me you creep! I'm not submitting myself to you!" She yelled, her voice echoing throughout the empty abandoned factory which he kidnapped her and took her here.

The boy only smiled even more creepily, laughing like a maniac. "Ahaha! How cute you are Yashiro-san!" He smiled like a maniac. "Even if you refuse, I'll take you with me either way."

He took a step forward, Nene took a step back.

"Get away! Just leave me alone!" She shouted, tears streaming down her face out of fear.

Amane smiled sickly. "I can't. When you're the one responsible for my thoughts about you." As he got closer, he quickly jabbed her on her nape and she passed out. He took her in his arms and kissed her head lovingly. "I'll never let you go."

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