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What an addicting sight.

Her luscious pink lips moving gracefully as she talks, it almost looks like its seducing him. Amane gulped, trying to keep his eyes on his girlfriend. But the urge was strong, he wanted to devour her in front of the whole cafe.

Gripping his pants and biting his lip, he smiled as he tried to listen to his beloved talking. He felt himself getting sweaty and needy for her. He clutched his pants harder until he couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey, uh, Nene?" He stood up almost immediately, making him look weird. Nene looked up at him, confused. He gulped, she looks so... appetizing. Her confused look, every expression she makes, she looks so perfect.

It almost feels like she's doing this on purpose to seduce him.

But he knew he was delusional, Nene wouldn't be the type of girl to seduce.

"Let's go home, shall we? Our cat must've been starving." He smiled at her, which she smiled back and got up as well. They held hands together while walking towards their shared apartment.

While Nene was enjoying the surroundings around them, Amane was busy staring at her pink lips again. His eyes glinted with lust, as he bit his lip again, looking away.

To the people's perspective, it looked like he was a boyfriend that was very in love with his girlfriend that he can't stop staring at her. Which they giggled.

But to Amane's perspective, he was thinking on how would he kiss her. Maybe, bite her until it draws blood? Kisses it until she passed out? His thoughts were perverted yes, but he didn't care.

She's his girlfriend. Don't all boyfriends think about their girlfriend like that?

Like he thought, he didn't care. He never did care. He was just in love with her. His love for her is dangerous.


"Finally home~!" Nene happily exclaimed, plopping down onto her bed. "Although that cafe was pretty nice, Amane-kun." She pouted at her boyfriend who was feeding their cat, Amane smiled and chuckled.

"Sorry Nene. It's just this little fella here is hungry." Nene looked over at the cat and smiled, resting her head on the pillow again.

"I suppose so, what are we gonna do now?"

That question made Amane felt an electric shock through his body. His half-lidded eyes looked at the cat and smirked. He looked over at his girlfriend who was yawning and muttering of how she was bored.

His eyes trailed to her pink, soft lips. It looks so pretty he wanted to devour it quickly. He exhaled, trying to calm himself.

They rarely kissed, after all.

"Say, Nene. Don't you want to try something new?" With this, Nene quickly sprung up and looked at him excitedly.
Amane laughed.

She's excited.

"What is it? Tell me!" Nene bounced on the bed, impatiently waiting for him to answer.

He smiled mischievously. "Something about.." He tap his chin and smirked. "Y'know.." He sat down on the bed, leaning close to Nene so their faces only inches from each other. "In bed.."

Nene only widens her eyes, before she could reply, he pinned her down on the bed with her wrists locked together with his one hand. He looked down at her, her expression was flawless.

His neediness started growing each second, his heart thumped against his chest. His caressed her lips with his thumb, it feels so, so, soft.

"Wait- I don't-"

"Shush, darling. It's gonna be okay." He leaned down, pecking her lips just lightly. God the feeling was so addicting he can't stop.

Pecks turned into kisses, kisses turned into roughness.

The feeling of her lips against his felt like heaven. He could kiss her all day until her lips was all bruised and swollen.

"May I kiss you until the evening?"

Nene looked at the clock which she widened her eyes.

It was 10 AM.

And the tone of his voice indicates that he's very serious.

She gulped.

And so on, they didn't ate lunch and dinner.

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