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"I said no."

"But I said yes."

I stomped my foot in an aggravated way, "We are not doing the project at my house!"

"You live in a mansion and it's good for our baby. Babies love mansions, " he continued to argue while holding the bag of flour, which was supposed to be our baby.

"It's a freaking flour bag!" I didn't understand why he was so into this project, and why we couldn't do it at his house.

"Watch your words!" he gasped and covered the flour's "ears".

I rolled my eyes, "Just take it home with you. It's not like he inserted a recorder into the bag."

"No. This is a very serious manner, and we are doing it at your house," he ended the argument and quickly ran away before I could try to say no again. This is ridiculous.

I got on my motorcycle and drove home. As I parked in the driveway, I could see Douglas sitting at my doorsteps with the flour in his arms.

I shook my head in disbelief as I made my way to the door, "Unbelievable."

"The baby is cold," he scowled.

"I swear, if you say baby one more time, I am going to take that flour bag, throw it on the ground, and stomp on it," I shot him a warning look and he finally shut his mouth.

I opened the door and entered. Douglas stepped inside and looked around the house in awe.


"Whatever," I interrupted and walked into the kitchen with him following me. I pulled open the refrigerator and grabbed the leftover spaghetti from yesterday. I put it in the microwave and hopped on the counter to wait for it to heat up.

"Do you have a pool?" Douglas asked randomly.

I nodded.

"Wanna swim?"

I nodded again.

He grinned, "Great!"

"Joseph is coming too," he told me just as the microwave let out a continuous beeping.

"You named it Joseph?" I asked.

"Yup," he answered.

Leaving the spaghetti, I lead Douglas to the pool, which was on the last floor. The pool was really wide and long with water so clear that I could see the bottom. The room was huge and the ceilings were high. This was one of my favorite place in the house.

"Whoa," Douglas said breathlessly.

I grabbed the hem of my shirt and lift it off my body. I dropped the shirt on the floor tile and pulled off my jeans next. Douglas finally pulled his eyes away from the pool and his eyes widened when it landed on my half naked self. I was now in my bra and panties.

I allowed a smirk to fall on my lips, and I tilted my head to the side, "Is something wrong?"

"I-I, um, I- you look nice," he stuttered and my smirk grew.

I looked down at my body and back at him, "Thanks."

"Y-You're welcome."

"Aren't you going to take off your clothes?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied and slowly took off his shirt and pants.

Now it was me who was staring at his body. He had the body of someone who worked out daily. It was really impressive.

"Take a picture. It lasts longer," he mocked, snapping me out of my daze.

"Shut up," I muttered but a smile crept its way to my lips.

I ran to the pool and instantly dived into the warm water. Any tension that lingered in my body from school vanished completely and I relaxed. Douglas laid the flour next to his clothes and jumped into the pool, making a medium sized splash. I was within the radius of the splash, and my face was hit by the water. Glaring at his back, I sneaked up behind him through the water.

Then I jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I let out an evil laugh and tried to push him underwater, but he kept his head and body up. Then I felt his hands grabbing my arms, and the next thing I knew, I had landed in front of him with my back hitting the water. He was still holding my arms to keep me from escaping.

"I will end you!" I screamed and he laughed very loudly.

Then I grabbed his hair and yanked it. He let out a girly scream, and I quickly took that chance to swim away from him.

"That wasn't nice, Aimee!" he yelled at me from across the other side of the pool when he recovered from the shock and pain, "I will get you for that."

"Come at me!" I yelled back.

Then he swam towards me in short and fast strokes. My eyes widened in realization that he was getting closer, and I quickly pulled myself out of the pool. I ran to his clothes and picked up the bag of flour. I ran back to the edge of the pool with the flour above my head. Douglas stopped swimming.

"Don't come any closer," I warned him.

"You wouldn't dare," he whispered while looking anxiously at the flour in my hands.

"You sure about that?" I dared him.

We both stared each other down. My arm was getting tired, and I was already exhausted from the swimming. My attention was back when Douglas continued to swim towards me even faster than before. I had no other choice than to drop the bag of flour into the swimming pool. He heard the splash and pulled his face out of the water to see the flour sinking down.

"No!" he yelled out and dived deeper into the water to reach the flour. He swam back up with it in his hands. It was dripping wet and the bag was ripped, letting the flour fall into the water. And now Douglas had flour on his hands.

He slowly raised his head and set his eyes on mine.

"You killed our baby," he narrowed his eyes at me, "You killed Joseph."

"We'll just buy a new one," I shrugged.

"No one else can replace our Joseph!" he yelled out in fake agony.

"Dramatic much? Get out of the pool. We're going to buy a new bag, and Mr. Harris won't suspect a thing, " I told him.

"Badass, huh?" he smirked.

"You have 10 minutes," I told him while picking up my clothes.

"Baby killer!"

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