From Me

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The final chapter took months to complete! My teachers were killing me with homework, especially my World History teacher. Then when I wasn't doing homework, I was trying to catch up on TV shows. They're very important to me. Then I had a writer's block on this chapter for weeks, and when I had ideas, it just didn't seem good enough. I had to rewrite the final chapter a few times. I didn't know if I wanted to end it on a next chapter, or an epilogue.

Then one day it came to me. I should write it in Douglas's point of view, and that's what I did. I still had a writer's block by then and only had half of the chapter written. A few months later, I finally finished. I tried to make the chapter longer than usual, and it's up to 2000 words. The longest.

I've also been juggling with a spinoff to this story. Well, I don't know if I should call it a spinoff, or a sequel. It involves most of the people from this story, but it won't be written in Aimee's or Douglas's point of view. Instead it will be written in both Tyler's and Skye Wayne's point of view.

The story takes place in NYC, jut like in this story, but everyone is older now. I don't want to say too much because I'm still in the process of writing it, and I also don't want to reveal any big spoilers.

Aimee's and Douglas's future is revealed in the story, so you can get some info on their relationship. They're still together, and Eric and Rose are still together. Rose is definitely going to be in the story a lot because she is really close with Tyler. Of course, Aimee is going to be in the story a lot because of some conflicts that I will not talk about here. Plus, Aimee is Tyler's sister.

The story is called Eventually I Fell, and I've rewritten it several times already. Currently, I feel like it's on the right path, and I actually like it. Unlike my previous stories, I will keep track of everything I wrote and plan everything out. Apparently, my memory can be a little bad sometimes, especially when I have to deal with so much homework.

Anyway, thanks to those who read this story and dealt with my slow updates. Hopefully, you'll read the spinoff when I start putting it out in January 2016. Hopefully, I'll be ready by then.

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