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My eyes scanned the paper for my name. There were some girls behind me, trying to look over my shoulders. Then I saw my name. A sigh of relief left my lips and I pushed past the crowd of girls. Rose was standing to the side waiting for me.

"Did you get in?" she asked, her voice on the verge of excitement.

I kept a blank look on my face, just to torture her for a few seconds. She looked like she was about to hit me if I didn't reveal the answer to her now. Then I grinned, revealing the answer, and she jumped up and down.

"Of course you'd get in!" she exclaimed, "Congratulations!"

The others students in the hallway gave her weird looks. Even I was bewildered at her reaction. She seemed more excited than me, and I was the one who got into the basketball team.

Then Douglas and his girlfriend walked past us. His eyes caught mine for a moment and then his girlfriend attached her red lips to his lips. I looked away and the enthusiasm in me dissolved as quickly as his eyes left mine.

"If it makes you feel any better, she's a total bitch," Rose looked at me sympathetically.

"That does make me feel better," I smiled, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," she grinned and hooked her arm with mine, "Now lets go celebrate at McDonalds."

"Why McDonalds?" I raised an eyebrow at her choice of place for a celebration.

"Because I'm craving chicken nuggets," she gave me a 'duh' look and dragged me to my bike.

"I prefer this over a car," she said as she put the helmet over her head.

"Me too," I chuckled.

Then I drove off to McDonalds.

"To hell with guys," Rose mumbled as she chewed her chicken nuggets. She closed her eyes and swayed, "I'm going to marry chicken nuggets."

"You haven't talked to Eric, yet?" I asked.

She swallowed the food in her mouth and then answered, "No."

I gave her a look, "Well, you should."

"And you should talk to Douglas," she retorted.

I looked down at my Big Mac and sighed.

"Seriously," Her voice softened, "He's been asking about you."

My heart perked up at her mentioning of him asking about me, but I quickly shook that feeling away.

"Well he shouldn't," I muttered, "He has a girlfriend."

"He doesn't even like her," Rose rolled her eyes, "He thinks he does, but he doesn't."

"He seems happy with her."

She frowned, "He hasn't been happy like he was when you both were together."

He and I weren't together is what I wanted to tell her, but I stayed quiet and let her continue.

"He's been moody for the past couple of days. He hasn't been himself."

I poked the Big Mac with a French fry and replied, "He'll move on."

"With that girl? I hope not."

I didn't feel like eating anymore. I was now filled with this idea that there could still be a chance for Douglas and I, but the thought of being hurt again scared the living shit out of me.

"So I didn't know you played basketball," Rose purposely changed the subject.

"Ty taught me how to play," I answered and smiled, thankful that she changed the subject, "But after the accident, I stopped playing until now."

"Jenny is on the team," she told me.

I sighed, "I know but she and I are okay now."

My eyes wandered outside the window and my heart stopped when I saw a familiar face kissing a not so familiar face. Rose saw the shock look in my eyes and followed my stare to the two people outside of McDonalds.

It was Douglas's girlfriend kissing another guy.

So much for changing the subject.

"That slut!" Rose exclaimed angrily.

I was also angry. This girl was cheating on Douglas. Didn't she realize how much of a great guy she was in a relationship with? Instead, she had her dirty lips locked with someone else.

"We have to tell Douglas," Rose stated.

"It's going to hurt him," I replied sadly.

She huffed, "Yeah, but he wouldn't want to be with someone who's cheating on him."

I looked down at my hands, "I'll tell him."

I could feel Rose's eyes on me.

"Are you sure?"

I thought about it again and nodded, "Yeah."

It was about time Douglas and I had a talk.

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