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It was the first day of my senior year, and boy was I glad about that. I couldn't wait to graduate from this school and never see these people again.

The minute I stepped into the school, I felt a dread feeling when my eyes fell on Eric Lander. He was the quarterback for the football team, and my worst enemy. He turned his head and a smirk made its way to his lips when his eyes found mine. Especially him, I couldn't wait to get away from him.

"Hey Evans, did you miss me?" he asked cockily over the noises in the hallway. His friends turned their attention to me, and I groaned internally.

Ignoring him, I turned a corner and walked to my first class, which was Forensic Science. I was one of the first ones to enter class, and I took a seat in the front. Everyone piled in and took a seat until the bell rung and the teacher entered. Everyone chatted amongst themselves as I watched the teacher write his name on the board.

"Alright everyone, I am Mr. Ge-"

He stopped when someone opened the door and stepped into the class room. Everyone started to whisper to each other as they gave the guy curious looks.

"I'm new here and I was trying to find this class," he handed the teacher a pass. He shoved the pass in his pocket.

"What's your name?" the teacher asked the guy.

"Douglas," the new guy answered.

"Okay Douglas, take a seat," the teacher gestured to the seat next to me, which was the only available seat in the class.

How cliche.

I could see most of the girls in class staring at him hungrily like a wild animal as he sat down next to me. He wasn't that bad looking. He has dark, brown hair. He has a chiseled jawline, and his eyes are hazel. He also looked pretty fit, like athletic fit.

"Hey," he greeted quietly and I gave him a nod in return.

I turned my attention back to the teacher.

"As I was about to say before, my name is Mr. Gerrick," the teacher introduced himself.

"Now before we start, I want to discuss the rules for this class," he walked over to his computer to pull something up on the screen as the class groaned. He smiled amusingly just as the slide show popped up on the whiteboard.


Class ended after an hour of the class's rules regulations and Forensic Science. I was bored to say the least.

The new guy, Douglas, had been listening intently in class, not like the others in class. He even tried to spark up a conversation with me, but I just gave him one worded answers. I wasn't really a talker. Also, it was better if he and I didn't know each other.

I walked out of the class, but then turned around when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Douglas.

"Can you show me where Mrs. Robinson is? You're the only person I know in this school, sort of," he asked.

I opened my mouth to say yes, but then Jenny appeared. Jenny was Eric's sister.

"I'll show you," she grinned at him, ignoring me like I had a disease.

He frowned and looked at me, but I just flashed him a sarcastic smile.

"I was going to say no anyways," I shrugged and walked away before he could say anything else.

"Let's go!" I heard Jenny exclaimed to him and I rolled my eyes. I wish him luck.

"I will rip your balls out and shove it down your throat if you don't leave," A girl threatened Eric. He had her pressed against the lockers and she was attempting to push him away but to no avail.

The hall was mostly empty now, with only a few students rushing to class and ignoring the scene. I sighed as I walked over to them.

"I love it when you talk dirty," he retorted and was about to make a move on her when I grabbed both of his shoulders and pulled him back.

"What the hell?" He looked at me, his eyes flashed with anger.

"Why don't you drag your womanizing ass to class instead of flirting with someone who doesn't want you here," I told him with as much anger as his.

He shot me one last glare while backing away, "I am going to make this year hell for you, Evans," Then he turned his back to us and walked away.

"Thanks for that," the girl thanked me, "I'm Rose."

"You should get to class," I told her as I began to walk away, "You don't want to be late to class."

I wasn't stupid. I knew she was trying to be friends with me, but I didn't want any memory of this school when I leave. Not even a single one.

I made it to my next class, and the day went on after that until it was dismissal time. I exit the building and walked over to my motorcycle. My comfortable b-

I dropped my backpack on the ground as I stared at my baby. The two tires was now flat because of a sharp puncture, probably a knife, and there was a sign taped to my seat with the word "hell" on it.

I clenched my fist and screamed at the top of my lungs, "Eric Scott Lander!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at me as I ran around the school trying to find the bastard. Finally, I found him behind the bleachers making out with a girl. I stomped towards him, and he pulled away from the girl to look at me.

"What now, Evans?" he rolled his eyes.

"You fucking knifed my tires! I can handle you giving me glares and shooting inappropriate comments at me all day, but you went too far with this and you know that. What the hell is wrong with you? What did I ever fucking did to you to make you feel the need to vandalize my bike?" I screamed the words at him with so much rage, and the girl quickly left us.

"I told you that your last year was going to be hell," he shrugged nonchalantly. My eyes were popping out of my sockets, and I was near to the point of wrapping my hands around his neck. I could feel my veins popping out my neck too, and I felt a whole ton of heated anger washing over me.

"You messed with my bike, and no one messes with my bike, " I growled lowly in my throat, "You are going to regret you ever did that."

"Whatever Evans," he scoffed, his brown eyes filled with humor and anger.

I stomped away from him and went back to my bike. Mostly everyone had already left and there were only a few lingering behind. I ignored them all and stared down at my messed up bike. Tears were beginning to build up, and I let out a humorless chuckle. A humorless and pathetic chuckle.

"I can take you home if you want."

I spun around to see the new guy standing there with his key chains in his hand. Beside him was Rose.

"Hi," Rose smiled.

"I can call my parents," I lied and shot them a fake smile.

"Okay," Douglas nodded and walked off with Rose walking beside him.

I kicked the tire and let out an angry breath. I hate high school.

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