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The sky is beautiful at night. There's a full moon tonight, and the stars seemed to be brighter than yesterday. I love to look at the sky, especially at night. During the day, there is a big star that gives everything light and life. At night, there are millions and trillions of stars that makes the dark sky look absolutely beautiful and complete. I love stars.

I can spend as much time as I want out here lying on the soft grass while looking at the stars until I fall asleep. There had been a couple of times where I did fall asleep here. No one was home to know that I was out here, and I had no friends that worried about my where-being. I closed my eyes and felt the corner of my lips tugged up.

Suddenly, the phone lying next to my head rung and flashed a white light. I winced at the volume and my lips immediately formed a frown.

"What?" I answered grumpily. Who in the world would call me at this time of night?

"Your friend is drunk off her mind and she got into some trouble. Trouble that I had to get her out of. So drive your stupid bike over here and pick her up," Eric's annoying voice surprised me. What surprised me the most was the fact he said that the person was my friend. I don't have friends.

"You called the wrong number," I told him and was about to end it, but then he opened his mouth before I could.

"Aimee Evans, get your lazy ass over here and pick up your drunk best friend. I'm not going to spend my entire night watching out for her," he ordered. I could hear the music and talking in the background. Of course.

I scoffed, "I don't have friends."

"I don't care. You know her, she knows you," he answered nonchalantly. I didn't even know who we were talking about.

"Why don't you just call a taxi?" I asked.

"Because she is too drunk to even give me an address," he sighed out tiredly.

"I d-"

He ended the call before I could tell him that I didn't know where she lived either, whoever she is.


I found my way back to my bike. I swung my leg over the seat, inserted the key, and then I was on my way to Eric's house. His neighborhood still looked the same even though I haven't been here since two years ago. In front of Eric's house were cars, drunk people, and plastic cups were littered all across his front yard.

The garage was open and I could see Eric sitting with a couple of his football friends and a familiar female. They all looked up at me when I walked over to them.

"Friend!" Rose exclaimed and stood up to wrap her arms around me. I tensed up and scrunched my face up in disgust. She smelled like alcohol and vomit. I pulled her arms off me and took a step back.

"She's your problem now," Eric smirked and took a swig from his beer bottle.

"Unbelievable," I sighed with the roll of my eyes, "Okay, lets go."

I grabbed Rose's arm and dragged her after me as she spoke incoherent things that I didn't even understand.

"Have fun, Evans!" Eric shouted from behind me and I showed him the middle finger. He and his friends burst into laughter.

I sat Rose on my bike and pulled out my phone, "Okay, what's Douglas's number?"

Instead of answering me, she rubbed my motorcycle seat with a grin on her face, "It's so soft," A giggle escaped her lips and a burp went out after that. Oh my god.

I reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She didn't even seem to notice. I scrolled down to Douglas's name in her contacts list, and I clicked on it.

"Rose, where the hell are you?" he immediately asked when he picked up.

"Your sister is drunk, and I'm taking her home, but she's too drunk to give me an address," I told him.


"Just give me an address," I didn't have time to answer his questions right now. It was 2 in the morning, and I was exhausted.

He gave me his address, and I immediately ended the line. I climbed on the bike and wrapped both of Rose's arms around my waist and instructed her to hold on tight. At least she could do that. She ended up falling asleep with her head on my shoulder, but her arms still held tightly. We arrived at her house, and Douglas ran out because he must have heard my motorcycle. He gently pulled Rose off my bike and held her in his arms.

"Thank you," Douglas thanked me sincerely. His eyes went down to his sleeping sister, and he clenched his jaw, "I owe you one."

"Yeah," I nodded, not knowing what else to say.

"You don't know how much this means to me," he averted his eyes back to mine and I could see the seriousness behind it, "Thank you."

I didn't say anything this time and just nodded my head again.

"Goodnight," he gave me a small smile before carrying his sister into the house.

"Night," I whispered when his front door closed.

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