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She turned around while sliding a freshly cooked pancake onto a plate. She looked up at me with a genuine smile on her face, something that I haven't seen in a very long time.

"Aimee, why are you still in your pajamas?" she looked at me funny as she placed the plate on the dining table, which is where no one sits at, usually.

I looked down at myself to see that I was indeed in my night clothes. I touched my stomach and felt no pain at all.

What the heck?

"I wish I was still in my pajamas," Someone said from behind me.

I turned around to see my dad smiling down at me. He walked into the kitchen and planted a kiss on mom's cheek.

"What's going on?" I asked warily.

"What do you mean?" Dad asked while digging into his breakfast that mom made.

She doesn't cook anymore.

"Why is mom cooking? Why are you eating breakfast at the table? Why aren't you guys at work?"

"Whoa, slow down there, speedster," Dad chuckled, "Are you feeling okay?"

"I don't think I am," I mumbled, "I was stabbed right here."

I pointed to the spot where the man stabbed me. My parents looked at me with concern.

"Sweetie, are you feeling okay to go to school today?"

"School?" I frowned, "It's a Saturday."

Dad stood up and walked over to me to feel my forehead, "It's Monday, Aimee."

I stepped back, "What are you talking about? I was just at the park with Douglas, Ella, and the other girl whom I shall not name at this second. A man kidnapped Ella and I tried to stop him, but he stabbed me in my stomach."

"Why don't you go freshen up and come down here for breakfast. Tyler can go to work first and your Dad and I will take you to school today. " Mom smiled softly.

"Tyler?" I frowned. "Tyler is-"

"Awake and not late!"

I whirled around to see Ty running down the stairs.

"What the-"

This was not real. My brother was not standing in front of me. He's in a coma. This is not real.

"Morning, little sis." he ruffled my hair.

"Ty!" I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his waist and buried my face in his shoulders. This feels so real.

What if I was dreaming all this time? What if the accident never happened and Tyler was never in a coma?


"I'm so glad you're alive," I breathed out.

He pulled away and looked down at me with concern, the same look our parents were giving me right now too.

"I'm gonna get ready for school." I sighed out happily and ran upstairs to my room.

At least my room still looked the same.

I changed out of my night clothes and brushed my teeth. When I was finished, I went back downstairs. Tyler had already left for school, so my parents took me to school on their way to work. I entered the school building and immediately Eric was by my side.

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