XXXIII (Douglas's POV)

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"I'm a fantastic girlfriend, right?" she asked for the fifth time.

I chuckled. "Yes. You are the most fantastic, awesome, beautiful, and smartest girlfriend."

"Right," she mumbled to herself. "Right. I am fantastic, awesome, beautiful, and smart." All of a sudden, she gripped my shoulder with her hands, almost making me lose control of the car. "But what if they don't care about that? What if they don't like me because I drive a motorcycle. Oh my gosh, they might not like me because they'll think I'm a spoiled brat!"

I slowed the car down and stopped the car at the shoulder of the road. Then I turned around in my seat to face her, and grabbed both of her hands in mine. Her beautiful green eyes were wide and filled with panic. I brought her hands up to my lips and gently kissed them. My eyes never left hers, and I could see her calming down a bit.



I smiled. "They'll love you. They already know you drive a motorcycle, and they don't care. You could be driving a monster truck, and that won't make them hate you. They won't think you're a spoiled brat because you aren't. You have a heart of gold, and you are so beautiful. I don't know how I got so lucky, but I am goddamn grateful."

She pulled one of her hands out of my grasp to caressed my face. Her eyes had returned to its normal size, and she had a gentle smile on her face. I could feel my heart beating faster than normal, and my skin became fiery hot. Every single thing about her, every single thing she does...drives me crazy. I can't think straight; I can't speak right. She has no idea what she does to me.

"I'm grateful too," she whispered and her eyes flickered down to my lips. I glanced at her lips, and felt my throat tightened. "Without you, I never would have discovered love. I never would have felt happiness again. You entered my world and stubbornly refused to leave despite my demands."She paused as I let out a chuckle. Her smile grew wider. "You changed my life in ways I could never imagine. I love you, Douglas. With all my heart. I love you so much, and if you break my heart, then I will kill you."

I fell back against the car door and burst out laughing. She softly laughed along, and her laugh was like music to my ears. My laugh slowly faded, and I leaned closer to her. I put on a serious expression and grabbed her hands again. "I love you too, and I promise to never break your heart. You mean so much to me, and I promise to never hurt you."

Her lips formed a smirk. "You better not."

At that moment, I pressed my lips against hers. I smirked when I saw that I had caught her off guard. After recovering from the surprise, she started to move her lips. My lips felt hot against hers. I couldn't get enough. Her lips parted, and I slipped my tongue in. I felt her fingers running through my hair and gently tugging it. That made me feel even hotter. I was practically standing as I held her face in my hands, and my body leaned even closer to hers. Then I pulled my lips away from hers, and lead a trail of kisses down to her collarbone. She arched her neck, and let out a soft gasp. Slowly, my lips traveled back up to her lips and left a long, lingering kiss before pulling away. My lips were throbbing, my body felt hot, and my breaths came out raggedly.

She was staring at me, her eyes wide with surprise. I smirked as I started the car and got back on the road. I drove with one hand while my other hand was intertwined with Aimee's hand. She laid her head on my shoulder, and let out a content sigh.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked her.

I felt her head moved, and her eyes on my face. I glanced down at her for a few seconds before returning my eyes to the road. Her eyes didn't leave my face as she answered. "I'm thinking about how perfect this moment is."

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