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"I'm telling you, she's not going to die," Ty asserted.

I sighed out deeply. "Look at her. She's walking around the house, calling out for her friends and making noises. The thing is eventually going to find her and then she's going to die, which makes me right."

He scoffed. "You wish you were right."

I rolled my eyes. "We'll see."

We returned our eyes to the screen to see the girl enter a dark room.

"Stupid," I muttered and Ty chuckled.

She asked if anyone was in the room, and stepped further inside. Then she closed the door behind her. I shook my head. This girl was really stupid. She called out her friends' names, but there was no response. Then there was a small growling sound and she called out her friends' names again instead of running out of the room. It became silent for a few seconds before a loud growl made her jump and she screamed. She ran towards the door and swung it open. Before she could run out the room, the thing grabbed her and then her screams were replaced with the sounds of her bones and flesh being chomped on.

I looked over at Tyler who was staring at the screen with a shocked expression.

"That's messed up," he finally spoke and I laughed.

"Yeah it is," I agreed.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out to see Rose calling me.

"Hey R-"

"Aimee, I can't find Douglas anywhere. He's not answering his phone, and his stuff is still here. I don't know where he is," she ranted.

I stood up. "Okay Rose, I need you to take a deep breath."

I heard her breathed in and breathed out.

"Now, why do you think Douglas is missing?" I asked her.

She didn't respond and I had to check if she was still there. Finally, she spoke.

"Ella is in the hospital an-"

I interrupted her, "Ella is in the hospital? Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she just had an allergic reaction to strawberries," she answered.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. "Okay. But it doesn't explain why Douglas is missing."

"He blames himself," she answered.

Of course he does. He wouldn't be Douglas if he didn't blame himself.

"I'll go look around, okay?" I told her.

"Okay. Call me if you find him," she said.

I stuffed my phone into my back pocket and turned around to face Ty. He was staring at me curiously.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Douglas blames himself for something and is hiding from everyone. Rose is worried so I'm gonna help her find him," I explained the short version.

He raised an eyebrow. "Douglas your boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend," I muttered.

"But you want him to be."

I looked away. "I'll see you later."

As I left the hospital, I racked my brain for any ideas on where Douglas might be. He wouldn't be at the hospital or at home. When I got to my motorcycle, I pulled out my phone to call him. It went straight to voicemail and I shook my head. Putting on my helmet, I stepped on the pedal. I decided to check the ice cream place that he brought Ella and I to.

Anna was scooping ice cream for a customer when I entered the small ice cream shop.

"Good afternoon, Aimee," she greeted.

"Hi Anna," I greeted her back.

She gave the customer the cone of ice cream and I walked over to her.

"Did you want anything?" she asked.

"No thank you." I smiled politely. "I was just wondering if Douglas had stopped here."

She shook her head. "No, he hasn't. Why, is something wrong?"

"Ella had an allergic reaction to strawberries and Douglas blames himself. Now he's out there hiding and Rose is worried. His parents are probably worried too," I explained.

"He's probably hiding from his parents." Anna sighed.

She walked over to a table and sat down. I sat down across from her.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

She frowned. "He hasn't told you?"

"Told me what?" I asked slowly.

She sighed again. It's not my place to tell you."

Thousands of scenarios and questions arose in my head. One stood out the most and I was hesitant to ask it. "I - Is he being abused?"

She stared at me in shock for a few seconds before a small laugh burst out of her. She shook her head and placed her hands on mine. "He isn't being abused."

Relief flooded me but the worry never left. What was so bad that he went into hiding?

"Thank you Anna." I stood up and she did as well.

As I turned to leave, she called out my name. I turned half my body around to look at her.

"Next time, pick the red velvet. I know that's your favorite." She smiled knowingly.

My mouth open slightly in surprise. I wasn't creeped out as much as curious.

"How do you know that?" I asked her.

"I can read people," was her answer.

I thanked her again before leaving the shop.

It only took 5 minutes. 5 minutes of sitting on my motorcycle, thinking about where Douglas might be. 5 minutes of looking at the small water fountain in the park, the cut grasses, and the green trees. I know where he is.

I placed the helmet over my head, revved the engine, and stepped on the gas. I drove away from the urban part of the city and towards the rural area. The high buildings and shops were gone and only trees and grasses surrounded me. I stopped in front of a small entrance, killed off the engine, and stuffed the key into my pocket. I entered the woods and took the usual turns and directions that I was so familiar with. On the way, I saw his bike tied to a tree. It was probably his. Finally, I made it to skinny, dirt filled pathway. I walked on the dirt and followed it until I was at the wide open field. I caught a figure sitting in front of the lake. I had no doubt that's Douglas. I made a quick call to Rose, telling her that I found Douglas. Then I stuffed my phone into my pocket and made my way over to him.

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