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December 15, 2012

"Come back here!" he screamed as he ran after me. I jumped over a huge patch of snow and glanced behind me to see him catching up. I kicked my feet and ran faster, "No fair! You're in track!"

As I ran past a car, I grabbed a handful of snow from the roof of the car. I formed the snow into a ball and threw it at him. It hit him right in the face and he stopped, shocked from the cold impact to his face. He bent down to make a snowball, and I was running again. I was too late though and felt his snowball hit the back of my head. It slid down my back.

"Eric!" I screamed.

"My bad," he smirked.

Then I felt another snowball hit my back. This time, it wasn't Eric who attacked me, but Jenny. She had a wagon behind her filled with snowballs. She threw one at Eric before he could react. Eric and I quickly ducked behind a car.

"Aw, come on scaredy cats," she yelled.

Eric and I exchanged a look and a devious smile. I grabbed a handful of ice and my hands formed it into a snowball. Eric did the same and we continued until we had enough to defeat Jenny. I grabbed a snowball and stood up.

Jenny grinned, "He-"

My snowball smacked her right in the face and Eric and I let out a burst of laughter.

"Oh, you both are so dead!" she screamed.

Then we all engulged in a snowball fight. I ended up switching to Jenny's side because we wanted to beat Eric. When it became dark, Eric and Jenny's parents called us inside. They made us hot chocolate and we drank it near the fireplace.

My parents were at work as usual, so their dad had to drive me home. I was sitting in the passenger seat with the seat belt strapped across my chest. There were earphones in my ears, so I couldn't hear the repetition of honking. That didn't stop me from feeling the pain that shot up my body when the other car slammed against Mr. Lander's side. I could feel the car rotating and it sliding because of the icy road. Then I no longer felt pain when the car stopped moving. The earphones were no longer in my ears. All I could hear was complete silence until Mr. Lander spoke.

"Aimee, are you there?" he asked, his voice was really hoarse.

"Y-Yes," I whispered. My voice couldn't get any louder. He didn't respond. I waited for a second for him to speak, but he didn't.

"Mr. Lander?" I called out for him.

No answer.

A sob escaped my lips and I could feel tears sliding down my face. What I couldn't feel was pain. I know why I couldn't feel it. I was in shock. I know I was. Mr. Lander was unconscious or...

I tried to shake the feeling off, but it wouldn't leave my mind. He can't be dead. We were just sitting in the car like 10 minutes ago. We were on the way to my house. He is not dead.

The ambulance and firemen arrived shortly after and it took the firemen a long time to get us out of the car. The medics lifted me up and laid me on the stretcher. I felt an oxygen mask being placed over my face. I turned my head to the left and saw the other medics bringing Mr. Lander into the ambulance.

Slowly, I felt myself lose consciousness. When I woke up, I was being transferred into the hospital. Several doctors and nurses helped stroll the stretcher while they talked to each other.

"She is bleeding profusely from her leg, and her ribs seem to be fractured," one of the medic informed the doctors before leaving.

I couldn't even feel the cracked ribs and the wound from my abdomen. I probably will later if I don't die on the table.

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