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"Stop looking at me like that," I said.

Currently, I was waiting for my pizza, and the guy who took my order was flirting with me. He goes to the same school as me, but I didn't know that. Not until he told me.

He grinned. "Like what?"

"Like you want to kiss me," I retorted.

His grin never faltered and he leaned forward, "But I do."

I froze up and he leaned back while letting out a laugh. "Relax. I'm not going to kiss you...unless you w-"

"I'm good with just the pizza," I quickly said, making him laugh again.

"If that's what you want." he shrugged but never lost his smile.

A man walked up to Brandon, the guy who was flirting with me, and handed him the box of pizza. I reached out to grab the box of pizza, but he held it away from me.

"How about a date?" he asked.

I sighed. "You never give up do you?"

He shook his head and smirked, "So?"

I sighed again and thought over his offer. He was an attractive guy and it wouldn't harm me if I went on one date with him.

"Okay," I agreed.

A huge grin broke out on his face and he handed me my pizza.

"I'll text you the date and time," he said.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "But you don't have my phone number."

He held up a piece of paper and my number was written on it. "I wrote it down when you gave me your number for the order."

"Stalker," I muttered.

"Only for pretty girls," he replied, making me blush.

I quickly left the place before he could say anything else. I walked in to buy pizza, and I walked out with pizza and a date.

In the car, Eric was flirting with Rose and she was mindlessly giggling. I opened the car door and climbed in, and they stopped.

"Oh, go on. Don't let me be the reason you stop," I said sarcastically.

Eric glared at me while Rose blushed and turned away.

"We were just talking," Eric mumbled and started the car.

"Yes I can see that." I rolled my eyes, "But is that the only thing you were doing, Eric? Is it really?"

He furrowed his eyebrows and opened his mouth to say something but I beat him to it.

"Your lips are swollen and Rose's lips are swollen too," I told him, "Plus, there's a hickey on Rose's neck."

Rose gasped and covered her neck with her hands. She glared at Eric and he shrunk down a little in his seat. "You put a hickey on me?"

"Sorry?" he apologized meekly.

A smile slowly replaced the frown that was on her face. "You're so cute."

He frowned. "Cute?"

She nodded. "Cute as a button."

He crossed his arms over his chest and turned away from her. "I'm sexy, not cute."

She giggled. "Okay, you're sexy, manly, and so muscular. Oh, where have you been my whole life?"

He turned back around to playfully glare at her. "Okay, now you're just mocking me."

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