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"Sunshine, Sunshine, Sunshine," I whispered to myself as I searched for the flour brand that my teacher gave. What kind of company names their flour Sunshine? It's so cheesy.

"Nice ass," Douglas snickered from behind me. I rose up and turned around to look at him right in the eye. He stopped and shrugged, "Just saying."

"I can't believe I'm driving around to stores to find some cheap flour brand because you wanted to bring your stupid project to the swimming pool," I muttered and continued to searched through the shelves.

"You threw it in the pool," he reminded while following me.

"I want to put your head into a meat grinder," I told him.

He chuckled, "So violent."

"Nothing!" I exclaimed when we reached the end of the aisle, "Where did he buy the goddamn flour?"

"I have one at home," Douglas informed me the information he should have told me before we went on this unnecessary search.

"What?" I gritted through my teeth.

"My mom likes the brand, so she uses it," he answered nonchalantly, but there was a smile on his face. That goddamn smile.

"1, 2-"

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm giving you a 3 second head start," I told him.

The smile slipped off his face and he took off in the opposite direction.

"3," I chased him as he ran towards the exit door of the store.

As my foot hit the pavement, I stopped when I felt a huge gush of wind push through my now shaking body. There was the sound of screeching tires as the car stopped just right in time before it could hit the side of my ribs. I was on the ground, rolled up in a fetal position. I was staring at one of the tires, still in shock of what could have happened if the car didn't stop in time.

"Aimee!" I heard Douglas yelled and in the next second, he was kneeling down right next to me. He was breathing heavily while looking down at me with many emotions flashing back and forth.

"Aimee," he whispered and picked up my head to place it on his lap.  My shaking stop, but I was still in shock. I could feel his fingers combing through my hair.

"D-Do I need to call an ambulance?" The driver asked with a tremble in his voice.


"No," I whispered and sat up, "Don't call anyone."

Then I realized there was a crowd around me. People were staring down at me with worry and concern.


"I'm okay," I tried to assure Douglas, "We need to get the flour."

"I-I'm sorry. You came out o-"

"It's okay," I looked up at the man and gave him a half smile, although I felt shitty right now. Of course I felt shitty. I just went through a near death experience.

"Lets go," Douglas helped me up and I caught him shooting a glare at the man.

The crowd disperse and Douglas and I slowly walked to his car. I placed my hand on the passenger door handle, but I couldn't find the strength to open it. Douglas noticed and placed his hand on mine. My eyes traveled up to meet his, and I swallowed hard.

"You're okay," he told me, "You're okay."

Then I pulled the handle and climbed into the car. He closed my door and climbed into the driver seat. I put the seat belt across my chest before he could start the engine.

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