⭐️. A Letter From Illumi~

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Swipe for 16/04/16 (Jack's Song) by Cavetown 👆

My sunshine,

It's been 14 days since I parted from you for my business trip. The people I've had to work with are- how do I put this.. insufferable morons. None the matter though, because within a weeks time I will arrive home and you will be all mine once again. I never want to spend another waking second from you, my love. You are my moon, my sun, and all my stars that inhabit this universe. After having to be away from you for so long, it has become clear to me that I want no one else, but you. You are everything to me, and I want nothing more than to hold you in an embrace once again. See you soon, sunshine.

Sincerely, Illumi~

(AN: I posted this about 2 months ago but I actually hate this one a lot so if ur reading this rn get ready for a second letterrrr 3/26/21)

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