☄️. Feitan x intruder pt3

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Swipe for A Pearl by Mitski 👆

(AN: this one has more Feitan action in it i
promise besties 😞😞 also the beginning is what Feitan is thinking to himself I promise I don't hate him 😛🙏)

That's when he realized...
He was the villain. And you were the protagonist.

In standard cases, the protagonist always wins. A protagonist doesn't have to be someone that is entirely morally good, but as long as they are against the evil people seem to love them.

Nobody loved Feitan, nobody even cared about him.

But you were so free, free enough to step into a seemingly abandoned house and start sweeping.

Feitan was no good, he was useless. He doesn't do good. He's a bad person that does selfish things. Everyone hates Feitan.

He always considered himself as someone who has no restraints. That was a lie, you had no restraints.

His restraints were his past. He conjured all the anger he built up from feeling neglected his entire life, and he allowed it to decide his fate.

There's no going back now, Feitan is a murderer and a menace to society. There is nothing good about him.

Feitan backed up, slowly shaking his head and dropped to his knees. This sudden breakthrough in emotion caught him by surprise.

Normally when he kills, it's over in a second with no time to think. But you were different. There was something special about you, he could see it.

You looked up at the golden yellows, oranges, and the crimson reds of the sky. All of the surrounding high grasses had withered and burned away.

The sun is setting, you should be getting back now.

You stood up and looked down at the short king you had just broken. "Well, I cant leave him here." You thought to yourself.

He was looking down at the ground below him, completely empty of feeling. You sighed and tossed him over your shoulder.

The walk home was long and unbearable. Since you flew in a straight line, you figured the house would be in the direction of wherever you were facing.

Upon the return of the house you realized two things: One, you have no idea where to put this man that you just carried home, and two: He was asleep.

You sighed and decided to put him in the room upstairs. Each step creaked, so you tried to go as lightly as possible in order to not wake him up.

The room looked surprisingly clean. Not pretty at all though, since it consists of one (1) mattress in the corner and some hospital looking curtains, but it could be worse.

You lain the small sleeping boy on the mattress.

Suddenly, you had the vision that if you left him alone in that room, he would leave and cause mass destruction once again.

It wasn't your obligation to watch over him, but it was your obligation to stop him from murdering people.

The small, but feral man squirmed in his sleep. You figured you needed some kind of restraint to keep him put. For all you know he could be a sleep walker; or a sleep killer.

(AN: hey y'all the next part is gnna be juicy so get ready for that 😛 also leave suggestions on what u want to happen or any oneshots u want me to write ok have a good day byeee 😰⭐️💧)

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