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I don't even remember what was going on in this story and honestly I don't feel like rereading it so this might be a little inconsistent but I'll try my best!

Feitan heard birds chirping over the orchard. The soft wind kissed his skin, almost like a sign of gratitude for saving your life.

He pulled his hand back in toward his lap with a shiver.

And sure the world seemed to resent him, but you were the one connection he had to society. He didn't know what you wanted, he didn't even know where you came from- but something about your demeanor made him want to show the world the affection that it had always seemed to fail to show him.

You weren't earth's gift to him. He deserved nothing of a present for the treacherous acts of terrorism he had committed. You were just a person that needed somewhere to stay. And you just happened to never leave.

"Cloud watching?" You asked, suddenly appearing behind him.

It wasn't sudden though. He heard you step off of the mattress. He heard the thump of your feet against the wooden steps. He heard you lean against the open doorframe. He just chose not to turn around because he liked the idea of leaving himself vulnerable to you. It was something everybody else seemed to do so effortlessly, but he never could.

"Just taking it all in." Feitan replied.

"It's getting kinda cold out here though. Maybe we should head back insi-"

"Let go to town." He interrupted.

"Right now? Are you sure?"

"It not like you have job. We not busy. Let go."

"Uh, sure. Whatever." You wanted to act like you weren't startled. Feitan never seemed shocked by anything and you admired that about him.


"Town should be a couple miles out north this way. We're in for a hike." You said as you held your hand above you and spread out your fingers to watch the sunlight seep through.

Feitan said nothing. The only sound he made was the rustling of his feet against the grass.

You secretly liked silence. You didn't want to have to communicate. You just wanted to be there with him.

This type of silence was different though. It was lacking the warmth of his presence.

You always just kind of assumed that anything he didn't know how to say in English he just wouldn't say at all, and that didn't bother you. The only thing you cared about was that he heard you. The words escaped your mind and entered into his world. And they became part of him. You just wanted to be part of his life.

"Feitan? Are you ok?"

He kept staring forward. Not even watching his step.

"I'm ok."

His hands were balled into fists in his pockets.

Sometimes he forgets that he's still a human.
He's not just complex on the basis of his undiagnosed psychopathy, but also in the strangely beautiful sense that everyone else is.  

He can get frustrated and tug at his hair because he needs to take his anger out on something, and he knows he won't actually rip it out. He can sit and wait for you to come home like a child waiting for his dad to return from work. He can wait for time to pass just like anyone else. He just chooses not to. Because if he's not an emotionless monster, then he's just a weird person who has done stupid things. And he doesn't want to be at the bottom of society again. He would rather sit outside of it. With you.

But he was a kid once too. His first tooth fell out once too. He didn't understand why he bled bright red from his gums. He didn't understand why he had to bleed at all.
He hadn't done anything wrong. It just happened because he is a human. And humans bleed bright red.

So, you've been walking for quite some time now. But you should pay attention.

Particularly to the right side of you.

You see? Feitans not there. He stopped walking.

Check behind you.

There's a Wooden spear stuck through Feitan's chest. Like the same ones they used to kill vampires but longer.

The thing about letting your guard down is that it's not normally something people do on purpose. Feitan does though. It's because he wanted to feel how you feel. Free.

He bled bright red through the front and back of him. It soaked through his clothes. You could see it. It was in front of you. And it was real.

"Feitan?" He always seemed like he had an answer to something. Like he knew how to get out of any situation. Not this, though. He was already bound to his fate here.

"Oh.." His voice was weak. Breathless.

"I'm... y/n.. I can't.."

He kneeled in front of you.

What do you say here?

He's dying in front of you. What are you supposed to say?

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking.. Oh my god. Feitan?"

You're not actually sorry. Because you knew it wasn't your fault. But you couldn't conjure up the right words to describe what you were feeling.

What you really meant to say was that you couldn't spend the rest of eternity knowing it was going to end this way.

Knowing that it would end with a hole in his chest.

You held him close to you.

"Y/n.." He sputtered.

"I want to meet you again. When I am different person. I want you in my life. Always. If I met you sooner.. things would be different."

The color is fading from his skin.

"Please don't leave me." You said through a wobbly, teary voice.

"Please come back. See the town with me. Come back in your next life and carry me to bed again.
I don't want to be with anyone else. I want you to sweep my porch. I want to sit at the dinner table and do taxes with you. Please, Feitan. Don't do this to me."

Feitan shut his eyes before saying his last words. The one thing he's been thinking since you first came into his life. The one thing that he never wanted to admit to himself. The one thing that truly made him a human.

"You know..

I loved you."

You weren't a gift to Feitan. You weren't a second chance at a new life. You weren't his purpose in life. There was no god watching you, waiting to bring you together. Feitan lived a long life before he met you, and you will live an even longer time without him.

But the time you spent sitting on his couch was pure bliss. And that is the only purpose of living as a human being. It's what we do exceedingly better than any known organism on the planet. It's what we spend our whole lives waiting to do. To feel something.

THE END.. goodbye everyone 👋


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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