🚀⭐️🌙. Adulttrio x reader on a mission

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Swipe for Boom Boom Boom slowed by Vengaboys 👆

(Written by Mapncca )

You wake up to the sound of arguing coming from downstairs.

Slowly, you make your way down since you were still tired. You peek your head over the stairs to see chrollo and hisoka fighting in the kitchen, and illumi half sleep on the couch.

'Oh my god what are these mfs fighting over, they argue like an old couple.' you said in your head.

You quietly go sit next to illumi as chrollo and hisoka were still going at it. "Good morning, How'd you sleep." Illumi said, startling you.

"I slept good." You replied. For once you actually slept good enough since you would usually wake up during the night and stay up, but that surprisingly didn't happen tonight.

"I swear to god, do you even know what you're doing?" You heard chrollo yell from the distance. You peek your head over the couch to see chrollo throwing his hands up.

"Actually I do, unlike someone~" You found it funny how these two would always yell about something.

You were surprised that these two haven't noticed you yet.

"How long have they been like this?" You ask Illumi who had his head on the back of the couch.

"For about an hour now." He spoke looking straight at you with his head still in the same position.

"So whats the plan for today?" you asked, looking at the tv. "I don't know, you're going to have to ask chrollo." Illumi said, taking his eyes off of you and looking at the ceiling.

You turn your head to see chrollo and hisoka in the kitchen, but they finally had finished fighting.

You walk over to the kitchen counter and sit at the bar stool. "Chrollo, what's the plan for today?" He stops what he's doing and turns around to face you.

"We have a mission later." We paused for a minute then started talking again. "We have to find and kill these 4 men, you're going to be partnering up with Hisoka, pretending you two are a couple."

He said with a sigh, but had a smile on his face. Hisoka looked over his shoulder and smirked. "Oh~?"

He said, turning his whole body towards us. "What time are we leaving?" you asked "Around 5 so we can be done at 8."

He turned his body back to the kitchen and continued what he was doing. You responded with a nod.

~time skip~

It was 4:25 and you had just gotten out the shower. You had to decide on what dress to wear.

Your first option was a black and gold dress, it was pretty and long with long sleeves, it had a slit on the right side of the dress that went up to your hip.

The other dress was a burgundy type dress, it went down to your knees and it was also long sleeve.

(AN: you can choose which dress you want to wear :)).

As you finished up the look some knocked on your door "come in" You said whWile putting in a pair of earrings.

You could hear the sound of the door opening and someone saying something.

"Chrollo asked you to come down in ten minutes." You recognized the voice, it was Illumi's.

"Tell him i'll be there in a sec." You said turning your body to face him.

He gave you a quick nod and closed the door. Once you were done you quickly made your way downstairs to the living room.

Once you made it to the living room you realized there were six eyes on you.

"Shouldn't we get going?" You said, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Yes, we should." Chrollo said ,putting his coat on and grabbing the keys.

Illumi and Hisoka followed as you trailed behind them.

You got into the car sitting next to illumi while Chrollo was the driver and Hisoka was next to him.

You knew the car ride was going to be long since the party was somewhere in the mountains.

You quietly look out the window as you could feel IIlumi's eyes wander around your body, then somewhere else.

After 50 minutes of driving you were finally at the party. The party was held in a huge mansion with guards surrounding it.

"Okay here's the plan, me and Illumi will go in the mansion first. Then, after a few minutes Y/n and Hisoka will go in together so we don't look suspicious." He said as he started to get out the car. "Alright boss~" Hisoka commented, smirking at Chrollo.

Both Illumi and Chrollo get out the car and make their way to the entrance, leaving you and hisoka in the car together.

After 5 minutes you and hisoka decide to start walking to the entrance. "Since we're a couple, shouldn't we hold hands~" Hisoka said stopping in front of you.

"Sure I guess." You said with a sigh.

He slowly reaches his hand out fro you to hold. His hand was extremely big compared to yours.

You both finally make it to the entrance where you were greeted with a large guard. "ID?" The guard said, his voice extremely low, Hisoka hands him a card and the guard takes a quick look at it then hands it back.

"You can go in" The guard says, Hisoka smirks at the guard while walking past him.

The sounds of people talking and laughing quickly crowds your hearing as people mob around the entrance.

You and hisoka make your way through the crowd and head towards the bar.

You look to the side of you to see Chrollo and Illumi talking to a group of people.

"What would you like to drink~" Hisoka said sitting down at the bar stool. "I'll just have a glass of wine." You said looking up at hisoka "Good choice~" He said while smiling.

The bartender walks over to us and asks what we want to drink, Hisoka orders some type of wine and so do you, the bartender smiles and nob then she walks away.

You turn around and see Chrollo and Illumi following a group of men, thinking it was just the guys they were targeting.

"Here's your drinks!" The bartender said, placing them in front of you "Oh, thank you." You said gasping, turning your body around. Hisoka chuckled at your surprised look.

You pout at Hisoka while grabbing your drink. "May I have a sip~" Hisoka said, grabbing your hand with your drink still inside.

You blush at the quick gesture. He smirks while drinking your drink. "Delicious~" He said while licking his lips.

You were completely shocked at the sudden move. "Did I startle you~" He said with a smirk, looking down at your paralyzed figure.

"N-no, you didn't" You said looking away.

"We're done" You heard Illumi's voice
approaching you and Hisoka.

"What the hell happened here?" Chrollo said, seeing Hisoka holding your hand with your drink still in your hand.

"Oh, me and y/n were just sharing a few drinks~" He said letting go of your hand.

"Yea okay, anyways we can leave now, we already did everything we needed to do."

Chrollo said pointing behind him.

"Wonderful~" Hisoka said, clasping his hands.

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