☄️. Feitan x Intruder pt12

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Swipe for Something For Your M.I.N.D by Superorganism 👆

(AN: in case u didn't notice I made a title change just cause I think it sounds better and most of these are several parts 😊👊)



"Two lovers at the edge of the Universe, destined to die.

They both sit next to each other, Stars in their eyes, wondering what the other did to deserve
the inescapable fate.

Alas, their journey has come to an end. They can no longer run from their pasts nor their futures.

The past, present, and future are all there. Sitting next to them, at the edge of the universe."

That was an excerpt of the book you read to Feitan the day you thought he escaped.

Never could you have guessed that you would be the one to leave first.

"How far out could they have gone.."

Feitan thought as he followed the tire tracks on the ground out to the street by the city.

He ran fast enough to be flying, never taking a second thought that someone might see him.

It doesn't matter if anyone sees him. He needs to get you back home.

The street went in one direction for miles. No turns or detours, just a straight forward path.

"They made it too obvious that they kidnapped them. They must have been watching the house close for a few days, you can't just stumble upon it and spontaneously decide to kidnap someone, especially if it's in the middle of nowhere. They probably noticed (y/n) leaving and entering the house consistently, and noted them as an easy target. Idiots. They took them by car too. There was disruption in the dirt and high grasses. The street is one way. They wanted me to follow them. They're looking for me.. but why?"

Within a few more minutes the building came into view.

"Can't go in the front. No roof entrance. No side windows. Nearby buildings vacant."

He ran around the back, keeping his distance.

"Back door. Bingo."

(AN: this is a few hours after last chapter)


There were no cars out front, but there were still people guarding the doors.

So they aren't acting alone.. If they aren't acting alone, there must be a leader.

Doesn't matter. I'll kill them in an instant.

None of this matters.

"Who are you." Asked the man guarding the back door.

He was stern and intense.

I kept my head down, my noise tucked into my bandana.

It was the one you got for me.

The morning I woke up with you by my side.

"Open. Door."

He repositisioned himself to defend the door.

"I'm gonna ask you this one more time. Who are y-"

Rest In Peace.

I snapped his neck so that he was facing behind him.

He collapsed in my arms.


Feitan set him down on the wet concrete gently, he had much business to attend to.

Searching through the newly deceased mans left pocket, he found a wallet containing a picture of his family, his phone, and 3 keys.

Feitan looked up at the door handle..

It was code locked.

There was no sequence of numbers written down in the mans pocket.

Feitan sighed.. "What would (y/n) do?"

"Oh, I know.."

He backed up a few steps, ran forward and kicked the steel door down.

Debris and dust flew through the air, clouding the building.

"Hey, the hell are you doing in here?" One armed man yelled.

"Isn't that the one boss wants.." Said another armed man, visibly terrified.

They aimed their guns towards him, practically shaking.

"The mass murderer.. F-Fei.."

"It's Feitan."

Feitan was clueless as to how their boss found out his name.

"Surprise." Feitan cocked his head and smiled at them.

Their eyes widened, accepting death.

Many of them didn't have families. The boss adopted them, gave them jobs, they owed their lives to boss.

"Bosses orders.. we fight."

"Pleasure working with you all.."

A hopeless melody of gunshots and bullets bouncing off of walls aimlessly rang through the sky where the sun was rising.

Feitan dodged every bullet, decapitating every person but one in the process.

The scent of blood and tears wafted by him.

"God bless." He said to himself as he stepped over a headless body. "Now, your turn."

The remaining man with a beating heart cowered down to the ground. "P-please.."

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