☄️. Feitan x Intruder pt8

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(Swipe for Little Dark Age by MGMT 👆)

Feitan sat at the table, poking at his food with a confused look on his face.

"Are you alright, Fei?" You looked back it him behind you as you scrubbed away at the dishes.

"Hm. Why always I eat? You no eat with me."

"You literally threw all of the bowls out of the window. Did you want me to eat with you?"

He took a second to think about it.

"Um... Yes." SHEESH 🥰😍👆😎😘🤩👊🤣

He sounded kind of uncomfortable admitting it, like he knew the answer but he didn't want you to think he was warming up to you, even if he was.

Emphasis on 'if'.

"Alright then, I'll go out to town tomorrow to buy some more. Assuming you won't break them, of course."

"Oh. Promise."

(tīmë śkîp 👹👹)

"Hey, Feitan?"

You grabbed his dishes and turned back to the sink.

"Did you wanna come with me to town? You can pick out the set of bowls you want."

The back of the sponge made a little scratching noise against the white porcelain.

"Um. Never been there."

"In town? It's pretty nice. Especially during the night. If you go at the right time, the streets will be vacant. The street lights they turn on are really pretty, you should see them."


"Mhm. I know you don't like people, so you won't have to worry about it. I can check out for us."

"You... pay?"

"Yes, I pay. So do you want to come?"

".. Ok."

(time skip numba two 🤸‍♂️ it's night time and ur both sitting in the living room parallel to the kitchen)

Feitan sat on the beaten up leather couch, his head resting on both of his palms with his elbows on his thighs.

He was staring off into space, thinking about how many people would be dead by now if you hadn't trespassed into his home.

Was it really trespassing if the home didn't actually belong to him though? Sure he claimed it as his own, and he's been using it as his home for some time now, but he just kind of took it.

"Hey Feitan, have you read these books before?"

"Huh?" He directed his attention towards you.

You were standing by the bookshelf, one book cracked open in your hand and two others tightly gripped at your side.

"Um. I tried. Words a bit big. They.. pretty."

He meant that he thought the colors of the covers were pretty. He just couldn't find the right words.

He was thinking of the word you used to describe the street lights in town earlier.

"I can read one to you if you want."


He repositioned himself on the couch.

He liked listening to people, especially when he didn't have to respond.

"This book is kind of old. It must have been here for a while." You said as you sat down.

Before Feitan was sitting in the dead center of the couch in silence. Now you were both laying on opposite ends with your backs propped up against the armrests facing each other.

(time skip number 3 last one promise 😋)

"Thy lawful day will be my last, for it has come to my understanding that our souls are made of stars, and the sky is calling for it's return. Do not forget me my darling Juliet, for whenever you are lost, just look up at the sky and my soul will be there to guide you." You read to him.

Once you looked up from your book, you saw that Feitan had fallen asleep.

You sighed.

It's your third day together and you haven't seen him walk himself up to bed, not once.

'Oh well, he's cute so I don't mind carrying him.' You thought.

You set the book down on the table and tossed him over your shoulder.

You were carrying him the same way as when he had just tried to kill you, and you were both out in the fields.

'That was only a few days ago. Does he always warm up to people this fast?' You thought as you stepped into his room.

The answer is no.

(AN: hi i hope u all like this chapter 😍😍 also ty for voting and stuff that's really cool ‼️‼️ I think in the future I'm gonna try and expand on y/ns personality too cause I don't want her to be boring and basic and stuff so if u have any requests for that just lmk 👊👊 also the next chapter has some action in it 😏😏)

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