☄️. Feitan x Intruder pt9

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Swipe for Like You Do by Joji 👆


(AN: just pretend that Feitan is narrating this in his native language and this is translated akay)


I lain there pathetically, allowing my spirits to break loose.

The big burly man stood before me, blade in hand, ready to strike.

I have nothing left of me. Bad people like me deserve to let themselves die.

Bad people like me don't know how to love.

They don't deserve affection.
They don't deserve care.
They don't deserve anything.

Bad people like me will never know how to love.

We do not feel. We cause mass destruction with no mind of consequence.

Some people would kill anyone or anything.

No matter how many times you give to them, they would kill you in a heartbeat if it benefited them.

I am one of those people.

"Oh how the mighty have fallen,"

The man started, drawing back his sword.

"Looks like you aren't as tough as I thought."
He smirked.


Bad people like me don't deserve good people like (y/n).. so why do they keep coming back to me?


The man slammed his sword down with intention of piercing my skull..

But (y/n).. pushed me out of the way? When did they get here?

"Feitan! FEITAN!"

I don't deserve this. I don't deserve them.
I don't deserve anything.


(Y/n)'s Hand was on my shoulder, shaking me.


My eyelids fluttered, allowing the light to pour in.


(Y/n) is a bit feral.


"Why.. you wake me.?"

"Hey Feitan! Guess what I got today!"


You flashed him the potted plant you had bought that morning with pride.

Feitan was not interested whatsoever, but he saw how happy it made you so he played along.

"Plant. Pretty."

"I also got something for you!"

Now he's interested.

You held out a bandana displayed across both your palms.

(AN: I cant decide on how it should look so u choose 😛)

Feitan was just barely awake, his torso being propped up by his arm that was sunk into the mattress, and his legs curled on top of one another.

He reached to grab the bandana out of your hands, admiring the soft materials.

Nobody had ever given him a gift before, he didn't know how he was supposed to act.

"Do you like it? I saw it in the store and it reminded me of you."

For a moment, Feitan let his guard down.

A smirk formed onto his face, which turned into a smile, which turned into a small laugh.

Not like a full on one, just like when you breathe a bit harder.

You still heard it though.

The sight of it made you even more ecstatic.

"Yes... I like. Pretty."

He noticed you get even happier.

"Uhh.. Thank you."

(Time skip ur both downstairs and Feitan is eating 😎😎😎😎)

You poured water into the pot that was sitting on the window sill.

Feitan's bowl made a shuffling noise across the table.

"Oh? Are you done?"

The bowl wasn't empty yet.

"Full. You eat?"

"I ate while I was out in town this morning."

"Oh. Town. We go... tomorrow night?"

"Yea sure! It's gonna be a bit chilly then so I don't think many people will be out."

(time skip 😎🤜 🎣 🇺🇸 night time)

Feitan let out a small yawn, covering it with his hand.

(AN: feitan has the cutest yawn u cannot convince me otherwise 😡😡👊)

"I go sleep now."

"Oh, alright. Goodnight Fei."


You listened to his foot steps leading up the stairs and then the door shut behind him.

The sky was raven black. Clusters of stars dotted along the horizon and rose up west.

You sat there on the front porch, daydreaming.

When you looked back at the front door behind you, you noticed glass shards from the window still there.

They sat directly beneath the newly fixed window, reflecting the skylight.

You sighed and went indoors to grab the broom and sweep them off.

The broom was in the closet down the hall past the kitchen to the right.

It was one of those cheap old brooms with the wooden handles.

You walked back outside, careful to close the door behind you.

Once you turned around, there was a big burly man, waiting for you at the front steps.

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