🚀. Young Hisoka x Reader pt3

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Swipe for Hug All Ur Friends by Cavetown 👆

NewsPaper Headline:
July 25th, 1870-
**Warning!** Kingdom of Prussia War Threats!

You heard a faint knock at your window.

Hisoka was standing there, looking through.

You weren't sure if you should be scared or surprised since your room was on the second floor.

He had this innocent smile of curiosity on his face.

You walked over to open the window.

"It's sunny today! We should go out into the woods!" He chimed excitedly.

It was only around 9:30 am.

(time skip darling)

I was shocked that he knew his way to the boulder, he had a pretty good eye for direction.

"You brought that book with you, right?"
He didn't look back at me when he talked, he kept his eyes directly on the path.

"Yeah, it's in my bag."

"Perfect, this is the rock right?"

There it was. Your stage, your theatre, and all your seats.

"Yea, how'd you know?"

"I like seeing your plays. I don't know what they mean, but they're cool. Can you do another one?" He cocked his head at you.

"Oh.. you actually care?"

"Of course I do! C'mon, do the one you did yesterday with Juliet and the stars."

He was your first friend, human audience member, and person that actually seemed to care.

"Oh.. alright. Sure!"

He sat down on the ground, cross legged.

You climbed up the boulder, book in hand, and cleared your throat.

Now that you had someone down there actually watching you, you were kind of nervous.

Birds and squirrels are different cause they can't laugh at you or give you a judgmental glare.

Humans can though, and they do it best.

(time skip cause I don't actually know how the story goes lolololol)

"...for whenever you are lost, just look up at the sky and my soul will be there to guide you."

Hisoka broke out in applause, whistling and cheering.


A smile cracked on your face as you bowed.

The young boy, overfilled with joy at the performance, ran up and climbed the boulder.

You grabbed his hand, and together you bowed for the second time.

The bond between you and Hisoka marked the center of the earth, where two twin flames have met for the first time.

(time skip 🎤 ⚰️ u both ventured out further in the forest and now ur just sitting around)

You played with a twig in your hand as Hisoka attempted to climb the tree.

"Hey y/n, have you heard of a nen test?"

"Uhh.. no. What's that?"

"Dunno. I heard my grandfather talking about it this morning. It don't know what it means, but it's to see what type of nen user you are."

"Huh.. what type do you think I am?"

You fumbled with the leaves and small pebbles on the ground.

"Hmm.. I think you're an Enhancer! Cause you make things better!"

He said, his head sticking out above a tree trunk with a smile.

You let out a small giggle.

"Can we take the test right now?"

"Sure" Hisoka shrugged. "Let's go over to my house to do it!" He dropped from the branch and stuck out his hand to help you up.

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