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This thing is completly self indulgent, but if someome finds this and likes it, is welcome to enjoy this mess with me.

"A God from Elsewhere" of SomniumOfLight is my principal inspiration for this, but instead of "Error adopt all the vessels" I'm doing "All the Vessels adopts Error (and Nightmare Gang)" because FGoD stories have a lack of "The Gang follows Error to the other Multiverse" and I want something of that.

The "Forced God of Destruction" original idea comes form harrish6 

English isn't my first language so if I made a mistake please let me know.




Once upon a time, a multiverse filled with void existed, one single universe could be observed in the infinite black, one universe that was created by the void, and the void was happy, that universe was hers, to protect, to take care of, and even when one of her children fell directly into her void; she didn't destroy him like usually would do with any other thing, no, he still existed and was capable of interact with the universe, even if he couldn't return to it.

Her universe and children weren't perfect, but she would never want them being like that, they lived, they love, hate, were in peace, fight in wars... but soon or later, died, and one part of her always hate that part of them, but was pacifier by the knowledge that their souls would return to her void once they died, and then they would be safe and sound in her arms.

(When the resets started and the souls stop coming to her, she was mad to her insolent child, playing with the lives of their siblings, and causing pain to their brother, so ,she left one soul return to the world to teach them a lesson, her little Chara wouldn't let them do this so called "Genocide" without a cost).

(That didn't stop Frisk to do such terrible things to the Monsters, but their fear and rage each time Chara "ruins" their attempt to do a "Pacifist Route" was enough, for now).

Then, something happened and another universe came into existence.

A universe that wasn't hers, that didn't bear from her void.

It was... a copy of her universe, everything seems similar to hers, the people, the monsters, the resets, everything, except that none of them feel like her children, everyone in her universe have a little of void in them, inside their souls, that is what made them her children, and this universe don't have void in One. Single. Soul.

When the Gaster of this universe fell in her void, she didn't think twice before rip apart his existence out of the multiverse.

She was so mad, who was the responsible of this aberration? Who dare to take the image of her children and take away their void?

She hated this new universe and whoever have created it, so then she looked for a weak point in it and destroy it, she took everyone in the universe and tore them apart in the moment they even rub her void, even when one part of her feels bad (they look exactly like her precious children, how could she not feel bad?) a more vengeful part of her was satisfied, maybe this would teach to its creator to not mess with her multiverse, with her universe.

Of course, not long after that, she felt more universes come to existence.

Oh, she was capable of get rid of the copies of her universe, but the others? The one with the personalities of everyone swapped? Other with that horrible "Kill or be killed" law? (she could almost  felt in her heart sympathy for the inhabitants, suffering for their so-horrible life situation).

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