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When he wakes up, he feels pain, his whole body hurts like hell.

If he could compare the pain with something, the closest would be the first battle ha have with Ink (if that could be called a battle).

His head felt like someone had stretched it out in an attempt to lengthen or break it, his spine and rib area felt heavy, the same stretching sensation present and throbbing and, oh, he couldn't feel his feet.

He was honestly surprised about not see blood around or over him.

It was only years and years of having received physical pain that allowed him to ignore that pain to take a little look at his surroundings.

It was not at all like anything I'd ever seen before, not even from the worlds where monsters inhabited the surface.

Error seemed to be at the bottom of some kind of cliff, was that... sand? It looked like sand at least, all over the ground and a fierce wind was blowing all over the place.

On the wind he could hear faint whispers, voices of many beings, but they sounded far away.

The (former) Destroyer did nothing for a few minutes, he just... listen, he does not remember when was the last time he could just, like that, lying in a random universe and let his wounds (was he even hurt now?) rest, without being constantly alert to the threat of the Creator and his minions.

He didn't know anything about this place beyond the basics that his mom told and showed them in order not to be completely lost and to be able to blend in better in the new universe.

But strangely... he felt safe, he could no longer feel Fate's threads in his soul, his magic had drastically diminished but he could not find any part of him that regretted it, if that was the price for freedom, he was fine with that.

He and his brothers were free to live as they pleased, even if the void in his soul began to yearn for the constant presence of his mom.

His brothers...


Where were his brothers?!

Ignoring his body's protests, Error tried to sit up, his head bobbing for any sign of them amid the strong wind and blowing sand.

The heaviness in his body only seemed to become more noticeable as he straightened up, he couldn't feel the wind blowing through his bones like he knew it should, even if by some miracle all his clothes had remained intact after the fight, he should still feel it.

He looked down at his body suspiciously, and froze as soon as he did.

His clothes were in bad shape, as expected, the only thing that seemed salvageable was his scarf and maybe his pants.

But that was not what caught his attention.

He no longer had bones.

Or at least, he didn't think this could be called bones anymore, it was as if they had been flattened and sealed against each other, he could still make out where his ribs had been but the place where he should only have been able to see his spine was now, to lack of a better word, stuffed with these strange plaques.

Logically, Error knew that he had every right to be upset about this, this had his mom's mark everywhere, his mom, who knew who he was before being Error, before being taken and twisted by Fate, transformed against his will, who should know better than everyone how traumatizing that was.

And she went and did the same, even if her reasons were completely different, she still modified his body and transformed him into... whatever he was now.

Children of Darkness (Soul of Void) - [FGoD!Error Sans]Where stories live. Discover now