Crystals and Kings

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It take a while for Cross to make Horror to promise that he wouldn't eat another poor miner.

The other mindless bugs were for him to eat but not the clearly conscientious miners, and with a growl, Horror accepted, but he made clear his unhappiness about it.

"It was just a little bug, no one's going to notice it's not there anymore, have you seen the others miners? All look the same!"

"That's not the problem here, who knows what this bugs have inside, I know that your magic can dissolve almost anything but... please, don't eat the talking bugs, they could be useful to find the rest of us"

"So, if the aren't useful... Can I eat them?"

"...No, we'll find another thing to eat, but for now don't eat the citizens of this place"

Dust just laugh his butt off the whole time, the jerk.

"Shouldn't be you be in charge here, you're the oldest here!" Cross scoffs at him.

"I'M being the oldest, y'all screaming is not necessarily quiet and is this place is not sound proof". And then Dust point out to a little bunch of unconscious miners.


"I throw rocks at them, they're not very resistant to damage, but hey! None of them is dust yet, so it's fine"

And it was true, once Cross kick the miners a little, it was clear that they still alive, which was good, they had no need to be criminals so soon after arriving to their new home

Which bring up a new problem.

Their clothes.

Once glance and it was obvious that the clothes they were wearing in the ambush were barely more than rags and would definitely get unwanted attention.

It was good that they come prepared for this.


No cost too great.

That was once his justification for all his past actions, that all the decisions he made was for Hallownest, for his subjects' sake...

(For the family he could've had once, but sacrificed in the search of a greater good).

The Pale King was not a saint and whoever tried to say the opposite was a fool or a complete ignorant of his sins and regrets.

The biggest of all was of them to sacrifice his own children to the Abyss and it's God in a desperate attempt to finally get rid of the Infection that was killing his subjects and allies.

He refused to care about the kids (the babies) that tried to reach for his light but end up falling into the darkness of the Abyss.

He refused to see how Ghost, who actually manage to reach his light, just needed a hand to get to the top, but he couldn't force himself to help them, the possibility of having to choose between which child was to become a living weapon and who could have the chance to be a child.

(Because that would be like admitting that both of them were children, whose childhood he was stealing from them).

He refused to acknowledge Hallow's obvious conscious and feelings, trying to make them into a true Hollow Vessel.

(All for nothing).

He refuse to pay attention to the informs that report have seen Vessels like Hallow around the Kingdom.

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