Void Communication

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*crawls from under rock* ...I'm gonna be honest, school becomed to much and by the beginning of the vacations I forget the plot for this and I was re-reading the whole thing to remember what happened before.

I realized that the Gang is gonna need another redesign bc Shade Lord change a little bit their appearences after he fully adopt them (This fic also needs a fucking timeline or something bc the Hallownest Gang chapters occured in a DAY and Ink and Co. are WEEKS ahead :'D)


Nightmare, or it was Nightlight now? Had woken up a day before everyone else, which made sense since he was the most connected to the void compared to his brothers, his body had adapted faster to whatever his new Father had done to their souls, he didn't think that it was been something bad, it felt like something was missing while everything felt right, wonderful even, his Soul almost sang with joy at whatever had happened to it.

He knew that his brothers wouldn't wake up until the next day, so he didn't bother pretending to stay asleep, he wanted answers, he wanted names, he wanted to know everything about his new home, he wanted to know what he and his brothers looked like now, he wanted, wanted, wanted...

He wanted to know so many things and for the first time since he could remember, he felt that there was someone who would give him everything he asked for and what he was asking for now were answers.

So, Nightlight (Nightmare?) opened his eyes and met the gaze of hundreds who didn't look like him, but felt like family, even in the deep darkness he could make out features that matched what little he had discovered of his new appearance, horns of different shapes, thin feet and empty sockets.

Lowering his gaze, the sight of his brothers sleeping around him made him smile, the same new characteristics also present, changing their appearances, but it was undeniably them, with approval he also noted that many of their wounds had completely disappeared or were fading, slowly healing.

It wasn't long before the first of his new siblings stepped forward and got closer to meet him, he was small, no taller than either a Chara or a Frisk, and after them more got closer, though not close enough to wake up unintentionally to those still asleep, greetings, introductions and questions were thrown around and Nightlight was quickly becoming overwhelmed, no matter how much he wanted to answer everything he was asked there were just too many voices.

A single voice ended the cacophony, the other voices gradually quieted as eight eyes appeared in the darkness; now, Nightlight had never really seen his Mother outside of flashes and the brief image of six eyes standing out in the darkness, but something deep down in her soul told her that the god in front of him was much, much bigger than her.

"It's good to see you awake, my boy". It was the first thing he said, the voice of his new caretaker, his Father, was deep but serene, as if lulling him. "I apologize for the way your stay here began, but you and your brothers had something in your Souls that I could not let remain for your own health."

That immediately caught his attention, had something gone wrong with the transformation? Was it something they already had from their Multiverse of origin or did they acquire it when they arrived to this one? Although he had felt the lighter Soul from him, he had believed it was something mental, a weight being lifted. He had not expected to feel this way because it was taken away something that was hurting it!

Before he completely panicked, Father again spoke. "Calm down, as I told you, what hurt your soul no longer exists, I would like to wait for your brothers to wake up to better explain what that was, or at least as much as I can, that thing was not of this world so my knowledge is limited and I could be wrong, I was hoping some of you knew what it was, but looking at your expression, you are just as lost as I am in this, am I right?".

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