Mellow Feelings

625 44 14

Wattpad's tag system is trash so I'm warning now that this story on Ao3 now has the tags "Mind Manipulation" and "Manipulative Relationships" as part of it.

(It probably doesn't come as a surprise to anyone seeing how "Unreliable Narrator" is there too,  but I wanted to make it official)


It took him only a couple of days to decide that he needed to start exploring his new home outside the darkness of the Abyss, as comforting as the environment was, having hundreds of new older and younger siblings who couldn't seem to decide between giving him his space to adjust and drowning him in hugs and games, their new Father did what he could to keep them in line without resorting to imposing his will through the Hive Mind.

And that was probably the hardest thing to swallow, the Hive Mind, knowing that their Old Mother could have imposed her will on them and they would never know, he wasn't sure how the others felt about it, if any of them resented that. The lack of autonomy was an option that their parents always had, even if they did not use it, the possibility would always be there from now on.

(But Pa made them aware of it, Ma kept it a secret, or made it something so unimportant that they never thought twice about it if she ever mentioned it).

So yes, he needed to get out of the darkness for a while, he grabbed one of the Older Vessels and left there through one of the tunnels, the eyes of his Father and dozens of new siblings and familiar brothers watching him leave without trying to stop him, and he didn't know if it was because he has someone with him, because they understand that he needs time alone... or because they and he know that he will return to the warmth of the darkness sooner rather than later, to hell with any doubts and possible fears that he now lives in the back his mind.




After a few hours through tunnels, and a conversation with his quasi-hostage, Kill- Mellow had come to a couple of interesting conclusions about his new home.

This was like being back in the Underground in the best and worst way possible.

If what the new Pa and his siblings had said when they explained a little about the place after waking up was true, this entire kingdom is underground, not because of any war, not even for safety, simply because it was more comfortable for them. The idea was strange to him, living underground had always been something negative for him, the Monster race for centuries had tried to escape from a cave and his new race dug deeper into one every day.

Part of him didn't want to accept that the place where he would live from now on was basically another Underground, a place that contained his best and worst memories.

Years of being a beloved member of his community, the lazy -apathetic- but fun Skeleton Brother, half of a duo popular throughout all of Snowdin, the last obstacle against the Human when they decided that Genocide was the only Route they wanted to take.

The entire Resets with Chara's voice trying to convince him to unite their Souls in an attempt to feel something again, to leave apathy aside and feel emotion again, to stop the senseless killing.

Hours of pain when he finally gave in to temptation.

Months, Reset after Reset, of waking up with both Souls united, both minds slowly but surely uniting too, to the point that he is not sure which part of him is Chara and which is Sans anymore, waking up and having to face blurry friends and acquaintances seeing him now as scum on the earth for having his Soul fused to a human's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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