The Ambrush

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The portal leaves them in what at first seems like a desolate wasteland, surrounded by piles of rocks, almost as if someone had tried to make a fighting arena and the rocks were the spectator seats.

And Error and his brothers were the main act.

It was a trap.

Of course it was a trap, and even with the guarantees and warnings of his mother, even when he knew that something bad (and something good) was going to happen as soon they enter the small copy, Error still feels like an idiot to enter in such an obvious scheme.

He could even feel Ink's smug even when he couldn't see him and already want to punch his stupid face.

The portal closed behind them, and without see them he already knows that the rest of the Gang was already preparing themselves for the attack.

(There was so many souls and a part of him was already anticipating what was coming).

As if summoned, Ink comes out from behind a pile of rocks, Dream and Blue following shortly after, a determined look in their faces.

Beside him he could feel Nightmare tense at the sight of the Positive Guardian and Error instinctively placed himself in front of him, even when the other was taller than him, it was the intention that mattered here.

If this was the last time he and the Gang has to deal with these idiots, he would made sure that Dream would never get the chance to tried "mending" the things with Nightmare one last time (not that he would even consider in at this point of their lives, not when the promise of freedom was finally in their reach).

Dream wasn't going anywhere near his brother; (he already has his chance of being Nightmare's brother all those years ago and throw it away by believe those villagers over him).

Dream just look irritated when he sees him in move, but remain silence, just waiting for the creator to talk first.

A few moments of silence happen (and more and more Judges stop hiding) before the Creator talk.

"Error! your days of terror and senseless destruction end today! I'm not going to let you left this AU until you surrender or die, this is your last chance to stop your genocide ways and prevent all of this". The last part of his speech more out of old habit than believing that Error would really stop if asked

So, that's why his next words threw him off as soon Error spoke.

"...Okay, I'll stop destroying".

Error could see the moment his words registered in the minds of his enemies (and could feel the anticipation from his allies grow as the void began to be feel in the code of the copy). "But you are ignoring something important Ink...".

This clearly wasn't going the way Ink expected and it shows. "A-And what's that?".

"Even if I stop destroying AUs or not... doesn't change the fact that I will never stop being your enemy" Drawing his threads from his face came natural as always as he looked at the artist, a smile growing on his face. "Because I hate you, and although I know that stopping destroying would make you happy, knowing that even with that they will never be on your side ... that my brothers will never go to your side, that is enough for my void soul!"

It was as if a switch had been activated.

As soon he stopped speaking, Ink's eyes turned red, Dream looked ready to kill him and Blue seemed to trying to keep up with everything he had just said, always more ready to fight before thinking.

Children of Darkness (Soul of Void) - [FGoD!Error Sans]Where stories live. Discover now