The Father of the Abyss

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A bit warning before reading, is not really a big deal but just in case:

Good news! Shade Lord learns about Ink and the Voidverse

Bad news! Error and Killer get their Souls rip apart before that, all with the best intentions of the world of course!


Hallownest's caverns were teeming with life as always, there wasn't a single place that didn't have bugs coming and going, buying from traveling merchants, heading to other parts of the kingdom or just taking a stroll.

It was beautiful and Hallow never tired of seeing it.

And as much as Hallow wanted to show their siblings all the places on their way, stop for a bit and maybe buy some snacks, to show them all the wonders that Hallownest could offer, they didn't stop until they enter the nearest Stag Station, getting their siblings home was the priority, after that they could take them exploring if they wanted, but safety came first.

Their presence did not go unnoticed, of course, the prince barely bothered to dodge passers-by and it is not as if his little siblings were easy to ignore for those who saw them pass, it was simple luck that prevented them from actually hurting someone in their haste.

It was fortunate that the station was relatively empty, a Stag was already parked on the platform waiting for passengers, apparently too impatient to wait for a bug to ring the bell to call him.

(Or maybe he had just dropped off other passengers and was resting, but that was irrelevant to Hallow, they didn't like using their position as royalty to get things, but wouldn't hesitate to do so if this Stag didn't move as soon as they got into his loin).

"Ah! Young prince, good to see you on this wonderful day, where can I-" His greeting was cut off when he realized what Hallow was carrying. "I guess that you want to go to the station closest to the Abyss?" Hallow just nodded before carefully lowering the sibling on his back.

They both looked confused as Hallow also proceeded to hold the one who was leaking void with just one arm, but before they could draw any conclusions Hallow grabbed the tallest hand and started walking towards the Stag, doing their best to convey safety-home-non-threatening, through the still weak link between them.

It seemed to work, they didn't resist when took their seats on the Stag, although Hallow didn't miss when the smaller one clinging to their arm more or how the taller one seemed to be trying to reassure them, Hallow couldn't do much to calm whatever unease they were experimenting apart from hold them closer and asking the Stag to not to go so fast.

Their siblings tensed in their embrace as soon as the Stag began to move through the stagways, but quickly calmed down when nothing happened after that.

Hallow informed their father of that reaction along with a suggestion to keep their more, eh, overwhelming siblings away from the new ones, at least for now, better prevent any backlash from the sudden affection these poor abused Vessels would be receiving once they reached home.

Since it would take them longer than usual to get to the station near the White Palace, Hallow decided to fix their siblings' clothes a bit, in their haste they hadn't been too careful with that either and their siblings' clothes were quite crooked (Hallow's clothes weren't better but that wasn't their priority here).

They made sure to be careful when they did so, despite already being able to understand a bit of what they were saying, communication was still a problem, so he arranged their own clothes first before trying to tell the other two that they wanted to do the same with theirs.

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