The Plan

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- Unknown location –

The Star Sanses have been quiet the lately and it was getting on Nightmare's nerves.

The Gang has been destroying AUs non stop for 1 year now and for the last weeks they hadn't been showing up to try to 'save' the AUs.

The Void Guardian (he was not the Negative Guardian, not anymore, he doesn't care what Dream say) has been having a bad feeling about it, a really bad feeling.

His Mother has also been very quiet lately.

He was confused, first his mother told them that they need to destroy the AUs faster, and now she wasn't talking to them?

...Fate does something to her? But that wouldn't made sense, Fate's strings can't affect void, the only reason Error was under her command was because the Anti-Void mess up with the void in his Soul.

Maybe Reaper would know something? He knows that the other god can also talk with his Mother thanks to the soul bound that have with Geno before he turns into Error, so maybe he would know something Nightmare don't? Maybe Void thought it's was something they don't have to know for now?

...Maybe she finally found a way to free Error from Fate's strings?

Nightmare's soul jumped at the thought of his brother finally free from Fate's clutches, that they could finally abandon this ungrateful multiverse and go to the one universe that neither Fate nor Ink could enter, his Mother, to go to Undertale and be safe under the protection of her void.

But he also knows better than believe in such a childish thought, Fate's grip on Error was too strong and his mother couldn't get rid of it without hurting the other skeleton or worse, and hurt them was the last thing she wanted to do, none of them know if Error would heal properly once if they ever tried that.

Maybe something happens in Undertale, he remembers vaguely to her being mad at Frisk for something, maybe she just decided to finally stop the actions of his so-called sibling?

Ugh ...Thinking into it too much won't magically tell him what he wants to know, his mother would tell them once she decided to let them know, Void still a deity and even Fate has a reason for her terrible actions, his mother has to have a reason for her silence.

And talking about silence...

His brothers have been quiet for a few minutes now ad that was never a good thing.

What the hell they broke this time?

Making his way out his office, he makes his way through the convoluted castle, dark corridors and stairs that would make anyone get lost, but that for him and his kind it was as natural to walk through them as to breathe.

Nightmare himself design the castle to be like that, just a few zones were meant to be habitable, the rest were just empty rooms and labyrinthine corridors made especially so that if his home were ever found, he and his family would have enough time to flee somewhere else.

The smell of food was the first thing he noticed as soon as he reached the lower part of the castle.

The second he notices it was the abnormal silence, just a quiet mumbling was overheard while he walks to the living room.

Then, he feels the void of his mother.


The first thing Error remember, even before the white emptiness of the Anti-Void, even before the pain of Fate's strings around his Soul, he remembers being surrounded an endless darkness.

Children of Darkness (Soul of Void) - [FGoD!Error Sans]Where stories live. Discover now