Parallels from another time

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Hallow found themselves in an oddly familiar situation.

In front of them were their siblings, looking at them with a mix of distrust while a growing hope was beginning to be felt on the hive mind that all the void beings share with their Father, the excitement of the rest of the Vessels back home barely were being contained to not overwhelming the ones in front of Hallow.

(They couldn't contain themselves when Hallow found Ghost all those months ago, their poor sibling got scared at the sudden feelings of affection, sibling, safe, home, come back and reacted the only way they knew until that moment.


It was good that their siblings had learn from past mistakes and now were holding back for the sake of their siblings, they really didn't want to fight the two of them seeing how hurt both already looked.

They began to walk towards them, as much as they wanted to take them immediately with their Father for being heal and keep safe, they knew better than try that when they clearly mistrusted them so they try to act calm as they could as they approached them.

It work to a certain extent, they only took a few steps back when started walking before stopped in what looked like confusion, as if they had expected an attack or a more... aggressive reaction.

(The wave of anger that that realization caused them was barely prevented from reaching their siblings through the bond, only their Father felt it and the feeling of intrigue mixed with concern was returned in response).

but finally they managed to close the distance between them and their siblings, he could still see their distrust, but the lack of any sudden movement on Hallow's part had at least made that the tension in their bodies had lessened considerably when he finally managed to get his hand on the husk of the one who seemed to be the older of the two.

The touch made them tense again for a moment and Hallow just stayed still, waiting for them to calm down again, the little one didn't really tense, but now it seems more intrigued than anything for the situation now that was clear that Hallow don't want to hurt them.

Now closer, they could finally see more clearly their new siblings, and...

It take every little practice that Hallow used to had from pretending being the Perfect Vessel for not to show any of the anger that now was boiling under their skin, not bothering to hid it from their siblings back in the Abyss anymore, not when now all cracks and wounds were now terrifyingly visible for their view.

Now they were completely sure that the younger was leaking void from their eyes, scars of healed wounds barely visible on their husk, he couldn't see more because of their clothes but it was obvious that there was more under it.

And the older one... oh the poor thing.

There was a map of scars on the husk, many that might have been made years ago, some that might have been no more than a few days old, and it was clear that there were few parts of the head that hadn't been broken before, the cracks barely visible from a distance, but painfully noticeable up close.

The strange blue marks under their eyes seemed like they were being scratched a lot, did it hurt them to have it? It was something natural or were put on their face against their will?

They didn't even notice when their other hand cupped the other side of their little sibling's head, pouring just a bit of Soul into the wounds in a vain attempt to make them go away, just as Hallow had grown used to heal the wounds of their other siblings back in the Abyss.               

If they could cry, they would be, how many of this scars were made in a attempt to protect the one who was leaking their void as if were nothing, how hurt were the others whose still lost around the kingdom?

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